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Subjective and objective measures of sleep in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare objective and subjective measures of sleep in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and healthy control subjects. METHODS: Included were 107 unmedicated children with ADHD and 46 healthy control subjects, all aged 6-14. Sleep-wake patterns were monitored with actigraphy for at least five consecutive days. Subjects and parents completed daily electronic diaries assessing sleep and daytime behavior. RESULTS: Actigraphy data from 80 ADHD patients and 45 control subjects showed that, compared to the healthy control group, the ADHD group experienced shorter actual sleep time (defined as time in minutes [from sleep onset to final morning awakening] of all epochs scored as sleep [i.e., excluding total duration of all epochs scored as "wake"]) (489.39 vs. 460.30min, p=.001), significantly fewer sleep interruptions (44.45 vs. 35.33, p<.001), but more total interrupted sleep time (44.49 vs. 56.70min, p=.002). Child diaries indicated children with ADHD had significantly more daytime sleepiness and difficulty getting up and less refreshing sleep. Parent diaries indicated children with ADHD had significantly more behavioral difficulties than the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest children with ADHD have reduced sleep quantity and more disturbed sleep on actigraphic measures, reduced sleep quality on the self report, and more problematic behaviors on the parent report. Clinical interventions for children with ADHD who present with sleep problems should include screening for etiologic and exacerbating factors, institution of behavioral-management strategies, and consideration of pharmacologic treatment targeted toward evening ADHD symptoms.
机译:目的:比较注意缺陷/多动症(ADHD)患儿和健康对照者的客观和主观睡眠量度。方法:纳入107名未接受药物治疗的多动症儿童和46名健康对照者,均为6-14岁。至少有连续五天通过活动记录仪记录睡眠-觉醒模式。受试者和父母每天完成电子日记,评估睡眠和白天行为。结果:来自80名ADHD患者和45名对照受试者的体动图数据显示,与健康对照组相比,ADHD组经历的所有时期的实际睡眠时间(定义为以分钟为单位的时间[从睡眠发作到最终清晨之间的时间]计为睡眠(即,不计入“唤醒”的所有时期的总持续时间))(489.39 vs. 460.30min,p = .001),睡眠中断显着减少(44.45 vs. 35.33,p <.001),但总中断次数更多睡眠时间(44.49对56.70分钟,p = .002)。儿童日记显示,患有多动症的儿童白天嗜睡,白天起床困难多,睡眠少。父母的日记显示,患有多动症的儿童比对照组的行为障碍明显更多。结论:结果提示患有多动症的儿童睡眠量减少,在行为检查方面睡眠更多,自我报告的睡眠质量降低,父母报告的行为更多。对于存在睡眠问题的ADHD儿童的临床干预措施应包括筛查病因和恶化因素,制定行为管理策略以及考虑针对ADHD夜间症状的药物治疗。



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