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Pruritus in the elderly: Clinical approaches to the improvement of quality of life


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Pruritus is the most common skin disorder in the geriatric population. It is defined as an unpleasant cutaneous sensation that provokes the desire to scratch. Acute itch (lasting less than 6 weeks) may provide a protective function, but chronic itch (lasting more than 6 weeks) is mostly a nuisance. The prevalence of pruritus increases with age and can be partially attributed to a decline in the normal physiological status of the skin (Table I). In a French study, a survey was sent to 10,000 randomly selected households. Of 7,500 respondents, 87% reported skin problems since birth and 43% experienced these problems over the 2 years preceding the survey. In addition, 29% of the respondents described their symptoms as burdensome. Of those individuals, more than half indicated that chronic skin disorders, with pruritus as the primary symptom, impaired daily activities.



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