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Personalized medicine: part 3: challenges facing health care plans in implementing coverage policies for pharmacogenomic and genetic testing.


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Most health care payers recognize that personalized medicine (PM) and genetic testing will create important changes in clinical practice in the future. Insurers will need to determine which medical expenses to cover in their policies; which tests have clinical utility; which ones actually change the treatment choices for physicians; and which ones are more interesting to consumers but do not affect the clinical setting.Many questions are cropping up in the payer community, some coming from the media and some arising from people in the field of PM. Per Lofberg, Executive Vice President of CVS Caremark and President of Caremark Pharmacy Services, and his team spoke to many in the insurance industry as they traveled around the country. Almost without exception, these payers were poorly equipped to answer questions that Lof-berg's group asked. For example, for Medco Health Solutions, Inc., and other pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), the natural evolution is to incorporate genetic testing, when shown to be valuable, into the prescription drug choices that physicians are making. PBMs are in the interesting position of being able to capture prescription data at an early stage; they have an opportunity to make suggestions to patients and physicians. In the future, the Lofberg team suggests, certain genetic tests will need to be performed before drug selection is finalized. It thus makes sense for PBMs to be in the forefront of this change in terms of pharmacogenomic testing in relation to drugs that they manage.
机译:大多数医疗保健付款人都意识到,个性化医学(PM)和基因检测将在未来的临床实践中带来重要的改变。保险公司将需要确定其保险单中要涵盖哪些医疗费用;哪些测试具有临床实用性;哪些实际上改变了医生的治疗选择;付款人社区中出现了许多问题,有些来自媒体,有些来自PM领域的人们。 CVS Caremark执行副总裁兼Caremark药房服务总裁Per Lofberg及其团队在全国各地旅行时与保险业的许多人进行了交谈。几乎毫无例外,这些付款人没有足够的能力回答洛夫伯格小组提出的问题。例如,对于Medco Health Solutions,Inc.和其他药房收益管理者(PBM),自然的发展是将基因检测(如果证明有价值)纳入医师选择的处方药中。 PBM处于有趣的位置,能够在早期阶段捕获处方数据。他们有机会向患者和医生提出建议。 Lofberg小组建议,将来在确定药物选择之前需要进行某些基因测试。因此,就其所管理药物的药物基因组学测试而言,PBM处于这一变化的前列是有意义的。



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