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Phylogeny and generic limits in New World Exosternini (Coleoptera: Histeridae: Histerinae)


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Exosternini are a very species-rich group of Histeridae, occurring nearly worldwide, with particular concentrations in the Neotropical and Afrotropical regions. In the New World, the group comprises over 400 described species, in 12 genera, with approximately 250 additional species awaiting description. Generic limits in this group are poorly defined. A phylogenetic analysis of all known New World species, described and undescribed, with over 50 outgroup taxa from other genera and tribes of Histerinae was undertaken, based on 259 morphological characters, adding 18S, 28S and cytochrome oxidase I sequences for a subset of 150 taxa. The genera HypobletusSchmidt, YarmisterWenzel, KaszabisterMazur, MecistostethusMarseul and MegalocraerusLewis were each supported as monophyletic. BaconiaLewis was rendered paraphyletic by the inclusion of StrigisterCaterino et al. The bulk of OperclipygusMarseul was monophyletic, although the O. plicicollis group was not always included. The genus PhelisterMarseul was paraphyletic many times over, with members of Operclipygus, Mecistostethus, Kaszabister, PseudisterBickhardt, Conchita Mazur and NunbergiaMazur nested within, indicating that Phelister is in need of significant revision.
机译:Exosternini是一个非常物种丰富的虎科科,几乎遍布世界各地,特别集中在新热带和非热带地区。在新世界中,该组包括12属中的400多个被描述物种,还有大约250个其他物种在等待描述。该组的通用限制定义不明确。根据259个形态特征,对所有已知的和未描述的新世界物种进行了系统进化分析,其中有超过50个来自其他家族和部落的部落分类群,并为150个分类群的子集添加了18S,28S和细胞色素氧化酶I序列。 。 HypobletusSchmidt,YarmisterWenzel,KaszabisterMazur,MecistostethusMarseul和MegalocraerusLewis分别被认为是单系的。纳入StrigisterCaterino等人将BaconiaLewis变成了近亲动物。尽管不总是包括O. plicicollis组,但是OperclipygusMarseul的大部分是单系的。 PhelisterMarseul属发生过多次共生关系,其中包括O蛇科,Mecistostethus,Kaszabister,PseudisterBickhardt,Conchita Mazur和NunbergiaMazur的成员,这表明Phelister需要进行重大修订。



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