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A review of the Apocreadiidae Skrjabin, 1942 (Trematoda: Digenea) and description of Australian species


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The Apocreadiidae is reviewed and is considered to include genera recognised previously within the families Apocreadiidae, Homalometridae, Schistorchiidae, Sphincterostomatidae and Trematobrienidae. Key features of the family are extensive vitellinefollicles, eye-spot pigment dispersed in forebody, I-shaped excretory vesicle, no cirrus-sac and genital pore opening immediately anterior to the ventral sucker (usually) or immediately posterior to it (Postporus). Three subfamilies and 18 genera are recognised within the Apocreadiidae. The Apocreadiinae comprises Homalometron (new syn. Barbulostomum), Callohelmis gen. nov., Choanodera, Crassicutis, Dactylotrema, Marsupiocetabulum, Microcreadium, Myzotus, Neoapocreadium, Neomegasolena, Pancreadium, Procaudotestis and Trematobrien. The Schistorchiinae comprises Schistorchis, Sphincterostoma, Sphincteristomum and Megacreadium. The Postporinae comprises only Postporus. A key to subfamilies and genera of the Apocreadiidae is provided. It is argued that there is no convincing basis for the recognition of the genus Apocreadium and all its constituent species are combined with Homalometron. The following new combinations are proposed for species previously recognised within Apocreadium: Homalometron balistis, H. caballeroi, H. cryptum, H. longisinosum, H. manteri, H. mexicanum and H. vinodae. Apocreadium uroproctoferum is found to lack a uroproct and is made a synonym of H. mexicanum, Homalometron verrunculi nom. nov. is proposed to replace the secondarilypre-occupied H. caballeroi. Barbulostomum is made a synonym of Homalometron and H. cupuloris comb. nov. is proposed. Neochoanodera is made a synonym of Choanodera and Choanodera ghanensis comb. nov. is proposed. Species within the Apocreadiinae and Postporinae are reviewed and the following are recorded or described from Australian fishes: Homalometron wrightae sp. nov. from Achlyopa nigra, H. synagris comb. nov. from Scolopsis monogramma, H. stradbrokensis sp. nov. from Gerres subfasciatus, Marsupioacetabulum opallioderma sp. nov. from G. subfasciatus, Neoapocreadium karwarensis comb. nov. from G. subfasciatus, N. splendens sp. nov. from S. monogramma and Callohelmis pichelinae gen. et sp. nov. from Hemigymnus melapterus, H. fasciatus, Stethojulis bandanensis and Choerodon venustus. Callohelmis is recognised by the combination of absence of tegumental spines, caeca terminating midway between the testes and posterior end of body, ventral sucker enclosed in a tegumental pouch, prominent muscles radiating through the body from the ventral sucker, vitelline follicles not extending into the forebody, and a very short excretory vesicle that opens ventrally. New combinations for species previously recognised within Crassicutis are proposed as follows: Neopocreadium caranxi comb. nov., N. gerridis comb. nov., N. imtiazi comb. nov. and N. marina comb. nov. The host-specificity and zoogeography of the Apocreadiinae are considered.
机译:Apocreadiidae经过审查,被认为包括以前在Apocreadiidae,Homalometridae,Schistorchiidae,Sphincterostomatidae和Trematobrienidae家族中公认的属。该家族的主要特征是广泛的卵黄卵泡,散布在前体中的眼点色素,I形排泄小泡,无卷囊和生殖器开口直接在腹腔吸盘的前面(通常)或腹腔吸盘的后面(Postporus)。在Apocreadiidae内有3个亚科和18属。 Apocreadiinae包括Homalometron(新合成的Barbulostomum),Callohelmis gen。 11月,霍纳德罗拉(Canodera),景天属(Crassicutis),乳杆菌(Dactylotrema),马氏囊菌(Marsupiocetabulum),微read,Myzotus,新,、新大,、全c,Procaudotestis和Trematobrien。血吸虫科包括血吸虫,括约肌括约肌,括约肌和巨鳞。后孔仅包括后孔。提供了Apocreadiidae亚科和属的关键。有人认为,对Apocreadium属的识别没有令人信服的基础,并且其所有组成物种都与同麦异黄酮结合。针对先前在先天科学中被认可的物种,提出了以下新组合:荷马氏肉毒杆菌,卡氏杆菌,隐孢子虫,longisinosum,曼特氏菌,墨西哥墨西拿菌和vinodae。发现Apocreadium uroproctoferum缺乏uroproct,并且被称为H. mexicanum(Homalometron verrunculi nom)的同义词。十一月提议替代继发于人的H. caballeroi。 Barbulostomum成为Homalometron和H. cupuloris梳的同义词。十一月被提议。 Neochoanodera是Choanodera和Choanodera ghanensis梳的同义词。十一月被提议。审查了Apocreadiinae和Postporinae内的物种,并记录或描述了澳大利亚鱼类的以下物种:Homalometron wrightae sp.。十一月得自Achlyopa nigra,H。synagris梳。十一月来自Scolocpsis monogramma,H.stradbrokensis sp。十一月取自筋膜亚种(Gerres subfasciatus),乳头状疣(Marsupioacetabulum)opallioderma sp。十一月来自G.subfasciatus,Neoapocreadium karwarensis梳。十一月来自G.subfasciatus,N。splendens sp.。十一月来自S. monogramma和Callohelmis pichelinae gen。等。十一月得自米格虫,筋膜嗜血杆菌,条斑Stethojulis bandanensis和南美白僵菌。 Callohelmis的识别方式是无以下条件的:外来棘皮缺乏,盲肠终止于睾丸和身体后端之间的中途,腹腔吸盘封闭在腹膜囊中,突出的肌肉从腹腔吸气辐射通过人体,卵黄囊未延伸到前体,以及一个非常短的排泄小泡,其腹侧开放。提出了以前在Crassicutis内公认的物种的新组合,如下所示:Carpoxi caranxi新梳。十一月,N。gerridis梳子。十一月,N。imtiazi梳。十一月和N. marina梳子。十一月考虑到了顶栖古猿的宿主特异性和动物地理学。



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