首页> 外文期刊>Stroke: A Journal of Cerebral Circulation >Emergency medical services-based community stroke education: pilot results from a novel approach.

Emergency medical services-based community stroke education: pilot results from a novel approach.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Although previous studies using mass media have demonstrated successful public stroke awareness campaigns, they may have been too costly for smaller communities to implement. The goal of this study was to investigate if a novel emergency medical services (EMS) -sponsored community awareness campaign could increase public stroke awareness. METHODS: This was a pre- and postintervention study with 2 phases conducted between August 2005 and July 2007. During Phase I, strategic placement of stroke education media by EMS personnel was implemented in one county over a 2-year period. Five random-digit, standardized phone surveys measuring stroke awareness were conducted with county residents to assess the campaign's impact. In Phase II, EMS interventions and random-digit measurements were conducted in 4 additional counties with 4 counties randomly selected as controls. RESULTS: A pattern of increasing stroke knowledge after exposure to the EMS intervention followed by declines in the absence of the intervention was observed during Phase I. EMS interventions also demonstrated a positive effect on the stroke knowledge of residents who lived in counties exposed to the intervention during Phase II with a statistically significant (P<0.05) increase observed in the proportion of respondents that named 2 stroke risk factors and 3 symptoms in comparison to either no changes or declines in the control counties. No evidence of a positive impact on knowledge of calling 911 for stroke was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Results of this study suggest that the public's knowledge of stroke signs and symptoms was increased using communitywide EMS-based programs. Additional studies are needed to determine optimal methods for educating the public regarding the need to call 911 for stroke and to confirm these results in other locales.
机译:背景与目的:尽管先前使用大众媒体进行的研究已经证明了成功的公众中风意识运动,但对于较小的社区来说,实施这些运动的成本可能太高。这项研究的目的是调查新型的紧急医疗服务(EMS)发起的社区意识运动是否可以提高公众对中风的意识。方法:这是一项干预前和干预后研究,于2005年8月至2007年7月分两个阶段进行。在第一阶段中,EMS人员在2年的时间里在一个县实施了中风教育媒体的战略布局。与县居民进行了五次随机数字,标准化的电话调查,以测量中风意识,以评估运动的影响。在第二阶段,在另外4个县中进行了EMS干预和随机数测量,并随机选择了4个县作为对照。结果:在第一阶段期间,观察到在接受EMS干预后中风知识增加的模式,然后在没有干预的情况下下降。EMS干预还显示出对居住在接受干预的县中居民的中风知识的积极影响在第二阶段中,与对照组县无变化或下降相比,命名为2种中风危险因素和3种症状的应答者的比例具有统计学意义(P <0.05)的增加。没有发现证据表明对中风的911产生积极影响。结论:这项研究的结果表明,使用基于社区的基于EMS的程序可以增加公众对中风症状和体征的了解。还需要进行其他研究来确定最佳方法,以教育公众有关拨打911中风的必要性,并在其他地区确认这些结果。



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