
Cassava starch processing at small scale in North Vietnam.


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In Northern Vietnam, small-scale cassava starch processing is conducted in densely populated craft villages, where processors face difficulties to expand their activities. 3 different processing systems were studied among a cluster of 3 communes in the Red River Delta, producing up to 430 tonnes of starch (at 55% DM) per day. The first system, type A, is a cylindrical rasper and a manual sieve, the second, type B, is a cylindrical rasper and stirring-filtering machine and the third, type C, used equipment for both the rasping and filtering stages. Moisture, starch, crude fibers and ash content analysis were carried out on samples collected from the A-B-C manufacturing processes to establish the mass balance of starch. Production capacity, water consumption, electrical requirements and capital-labour costs per tonne of starch (12% moisture) were also reported. A-B-C manufacturing processes enabled 75% recovery of the starch present in fresh roots. No significant change was observed in the composition of starch. Upgrading from system A to B and subsequently to C resulted in an increase in extraction capacity (up to 0.9 tonnes of peeled roots per h), extraction efficiency during the extraction stage (by up to 93%), and water consumption and electrical power (up to 21 m3 and 55 kWh per tonne of starch, respectively). Highest amounts of total solids carried in the waste-water were obtained with type C (up to 17% of the dry wt. of fresh roots, compared to 10 and 13% for type A and B, respectively). This may lead to a higher chemical O2 demand (COD) and biological O2 demand (BOD) in waste-water, which could result in more polluted waste-water than with type A and B technologies. Upgrading the rasping-extraction technologies also resulted in higher profits and reduction of labour per tonne of starch (up to USD 18 US and 26 man-h respectively).
机译:在越南北部,小木薯淀粉加工是在人口稠密的手工艺村进行的,加工者在扩大他们的活动方面面临困难。在红河三角洲的3个社区中研究了3种不同的处理系统,每天生产多达430吨淀粉(以55%的干物质)。第一种系统是A型,是圆柱形的磨刀机和手动筛子,第二种系统是B型,是圆柱形的磨刀机和搅拌过滤机,第三种系统是C型的,用于打磨和过滤阶段。对从A-B-C生产过程中收集的样品进行了水分,淀粉,粗纤维和灰分含量分析,以建立淀粉的质量平衡。还报告了每吨淀粉(12%水分)的生产能力,水消耗,电需求和基本劳动成本。 A-B-C制造过程能够使新鲜根中存在的淀粉回收75%。淀粉组成未观察到明显变化。从系统A升级到B,然后升级到C,可提高提取能力(每小时剥皮根茎最多0.9吨),提取阶段的提取效率(最多提高93%)以及耗水量和电功率(每吨淀粉分别高达21立方米和55千瓦时)。 C型废水中所含的总固形物含量最高(鲜根干重的17%,而A型和B型分别为10%和13%)。这可能导致废水中化学需氧量(COD)和生物需氧量(BOD)更高,这可能导致比A和B型技术污染更多的废水。升级粗提技术还可以提高利润,减少每吨淀粉的劳动力(分别高达18美元和26工时)。


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