首页> 外文期刊>Stress and health: journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress >Coping with Workplace Interpersonal Stress among Japanese Employees

Coping with Workplace Interpersonal Stress among Japanese Employees


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The current study examined the relationship between coping with workplace interpersonal stress (WIS) and psychological dysfunction (i.e. depressive symptoms, burnout, general distress and daytime sleepiness). Three hundred twenty-four Japanese full-time workers completed measures assessing coping strategies with WIS and psychological dysfunction. Three strategies of coping with WIS were measured: distancing coping, reassessing coping and constructive coping. Multiple regression analyses revealed that distancing coping, which reflects strategies to actively damage, disrupt and dissolve a stressful relationship, was related to high levels of depressive symptoms, burnout, general distress and daytime sleepiness. Reassessing coping, which incorporates efforts to patiently wait for an appropriate opportunity to act, such as a change or improvement in the situation, was related to low levels of depressive symptoms, burnout, general distress and daytime sleepiness. Constructive coping was not significantly associated with psychological dysfunction. Implications for workplace stress are discussed. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:当前的研究检查了应对工作场所人际压力(WIS)与心理功能障碍(即抑郁症状,倦怠,一般困扰和白天嗜睡)之间的关系。 324名日本全职工人完成了评估WIS和心理障碍的应对策略的措施。测量了应对WIS的三种策略:距离应对,重新评估应对和建设性应对。多元回归分析显示,距离应对反映出积极破坏,破坏和消除压力关系的策略,与抑郁症状,倦怠,一般困扰和白天嗜睡的高水平有关。重新评估应对方法包括努力耐心等待适当的机会,例如情况的改变或改善,与抑郁症状,倦怠,一般困扰和白天嗜睡的程度低有关。建设性应对与心理功能障碍无明显关系。讨论了对工作场所压力的影响。版权所有(c)2014 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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