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Testing the null hypothesis of zero serial correlation in short panel time series: a comparison of tail probabilities


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It is known that the analysis of short panel time series data is very important in many practical problems. This paper calculates the exact moments up to order 4 under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation when there are many independent replications of size 3.We further calculate the tail probabilities under the null hypothesis using the Edgeworth approximation for n = 3, 4 and 5, when the structure of the pdf (probability density function) of the test statistic is in essence different. Finally, we compare the three types of tail probabilities, namely, the Edgeworth approximation, the normal approximation and the exact probabilities through a large scale simulation study.
机译:众所周知,在许多实际问题中,短面板时间序列数据的分析非常重要。当存在大小为3的独立复制时,本文在无序列相关的零假设下计算了直到4阶的精确矩。对于n = 3、4和5,我们使用Edgeworth逼近进一步计算了在零假设下的尾部概率。 ,当检验统计量的pdf(概率密度函数)的结构本质上不同时。最后,我们通过大规模仿真研究比较了三种类型的尾部概率,即Edgeworth逼近,正态逼近和精确概率。



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