首页> 外文期刊>Spinal cord: the official journal of the International Medical Society of Paraplegia >Sacral nerve stimulation as an option for the treatment of faecal incontinence in patients suffering from cauda equina syndrome.

Sacral nerve stimulation as an option for the treatment of faecal incontinence in patients suffering from cauda equina syndrome.


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STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective clinical study with 1-year follow-up. OBJECTIVES: Treatment of faecal incontinence by permanent sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) in patients suffering from cauda equina syndrome (CES).Setting:Klosterneuburg, Austria. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: A flaccid paresis of the sphincter ani muscle and the pelvic floor combined with faecal incontinence can occur in patients suffering from CES as a result of a trauma in the region of the lumbar spine. If the incontinence cannot be managed by the use of laxatives or anal tampons, the patient is restricted in his/her quality of life. Thus, it was our aim to improve sphincter function and anal sensitivity to achieve voluntary rectal defaecation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The functional integrity of at least one sacral root (S2-S4) was determined through percutaneous nerve evaluation (PNE). Following this analysis, a period of external temporary SNS was performed to evaluate the functional effect. If there was a decrease in the number of episodes of faecal incontinence during this evaluation period, a neurostimulation device (InterStim; Medtronic) was implanted. PATIENTS: A total of 11 patients suffering from flaccid paresis of the anal sphincter muscle and faecal incontinence caused by CES underwent PNE, which was successful in 8 patients. Two of these patients were eliminated from the procedure at the end of the temporary SNS period, one patient refused the permanent implantation. Therefore, five patients proceeded to permanent implantation, which led to an improved continence in all the cases. DISCUSSION: In the synopsis of the preoperative proctologic and neurological findings, successful electric stimulation of the sacral roots can be expected in incomplete CES. In the case of flaccid paresis of the anal sphincter muscles caused by an incomplete CES, permanent SNS offers a promising option for the treatment of faecal incontinence. .
机译:研究设计:回顾性临床研究,为期1年的随访。目的:通过永久ca神经刺激(SNS)治疗马尾神经综合征(CES)患者的粪便失禁。地点:奥地利克洛斯特新堡。背景和目的:由于腰椎区域的创伤而患有CES的患者可能发生括约肌肛门肌松弛性瘫痪和骨盆底结合粪便失禁。如果尿失禁不能通过使用泻药或肛门塞来控制,则患者的生活质量将受到限制。因此,我们的目的是改善括约肌功能和肛门敏感性,以实现自愿性直肠排便。材料与方法:通过经皮神经评估(PNE)确定至少一个根(S2-S4)的功能完整性。经过这一分析,进行了一段时间的外部临时SNS评估功能效果。如果在此评估期间粪便失禁发作次数减少,则植入神经刺激装置(InterStim; Medtronic)。患者:总共11例因CES引起的肛门括约肌松弛性麻痹和大便失禁患者接受了PNE,其中8例成功。在临时SNS周期结束时,其中两名患者被排除在手术之外,一名患者拒绝永久植入。因此,有五名患者进行了永久性植入,从而在所有情况下均改善了尿失禁。讨论:在术前直肠和神经系统检查结果的概述中,可以预期在不完全的CES中成功成功地电刺激the根。对于因不完全的​​CES引起的肛门括约肌松弛性轻瘫,永久性SNS为治疗大便失禁提供了有希望的选择。 。



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