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Eva uating'Soi Structure and Hydraulic Conductivity by Land Use in Nigeria


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Good soil structure is important for sustaining long-term crop production on agricultural soils because of its influence on water status, workability, resistance to erosion, nutrient availability, and general crop performance (Piccolo and Mbagwu, 1999). Soil structural suitability can be influenced by land use type (Akamigbo, 1999); hence, Seybold et al. (2004) considered soil structure as one of the major determinants of soil quality. Land use produces considerable alterations (Fu et al., 2000), andsoil physical quality usually diminishes after cultivation (Jaiyeoba, 1995). Deleterious alterations could be due to influences of cultivation on soil organic matter content, which is obvious when vegetal type changes (Wang et al., 2001). Mbagwu and Auerswald (1999) reported some relationship between structural stability of soils and some environmental problems, such as crusting, soil erosion, and poor seedling emergence.
机译:良好的土壤结构对于维持农业土壤上的长期作物生产至关重要,因为它会影响水的状况,可加工性,抗侵蚀性,养分利用率以及作物的总体性能(Piccolo和Mbagwu,1999)。土壤结构的适宜性会受到土地利用类型的影响(Akamigbo,1999);因此,Seybold等。 (2004)认为土壤结构是土壤质量的主要决定因素之一。土地利用会产生很大的变化(Fu等,2000),耕作后土壤的物理质量通常会下降(Jaiyeoba,1995)。有害的改变可能是由于耕作对土壤有机质含量的影响,这在植被类型发生变化时很明显(Wang等,2001)。 Mbagwu和Auerswald(1999)报道了土壤结构稳定性与一些环境问题之间的关系,例如结s,土壤侵蚀和幼苗出苗差。



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