
Relation between bedrock geology, topography and lavaka distribution in Madagascar


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The characteristic gullies of central Madagascar-lavakas-vary greatly in abundance over short distances, but existing understanding does not explain why some hillsides should have high concentrations of lavakas when nearby slopes have fewer. We present a GIS analysis of lavaka abundance in relation to bedrock geology and topography, covering two areas in the central highlands: the region near Ambatondrazaka and that around Tsaratanana. Both regions have similar average lavaka density (6 lavakas/km~2 in Ambatondrazaka, and 5 lavakas/km~2 in Tsaratanana, but local lavaka concentrations vary widely. Individual one-km2 squares can host up to 50 lavakas/km~2 in Tsaratanana and up to 150 lavakas/km~2 in Ambatondrazaka. We find no predictive relationship between bedrock type and lavaka abundance. There is, however, a relationship between lavakas and slope such that lavakas increase in abundance as slopes get steeper, up to an optimum steepness, beyond which they become less numerous. The optimum steepness for lavaka development is about 10 to 15° in Tsaratanana and 25 to 30° in Ambatondrazaka. Lavakas also seem to favour slopes where the gradient changes locally, with an optimum change in grade somewhere in the range 2 to 5°. Our results provide quantitative constraints on lavaka distribution that can be tested in other areas.
机译:马达加斯加-拉瓦卡斯中部的特征性沟壑在短距离内变化很大,但是现有的理解并不能解释为什么当附近的斜坡较少时,某些山坡上的拉瓦卡斯浓度较高。我们提供了与基岩地质和地形有关的熔岩丰度的GIS分析,涵盖了中部高地的两个区域:Ambatondrazaka附近的地区和Tsaratanana周围的地区。两个地区的平均拉瓦卡密度相似(Ambatondrazaka的6 lavakas / km〜2和Tsaratanana的5 lavakas / km〜2,但当地的lavaka浓度差异很大。单个的1 km2广场最多可容纳50 lavakas / km〜2 Tsaratanana和Ambatondrazaka高达150 lavakas / km〜2,我们发现基岩类型和lavaka丰度之间没有预测关系,但是lavakas和坡度之间存在关系,以至于当斜坡变陡时,lavakas的丰度增加,直到最佳的陡度,在塔拉塔纳纳(Tsaratanana)的最佳陡度约为10至15°,而在Ambatondrazaka的最佳陡度为25至30°。大约在2至5°范围内,我们的结果为可在其他地区进行测试的拉瓦卡分布提供了定量限制。


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