首页> 外文期刊>Society and Natural Resources >Stakeholder collaboration in fisheries research: integrating knowledge among fishing leaders and science partners in northern New England.

Stakeholder collaboration in fisheries research: integrating knowledge among fishing leaders and science partners in northern New England.


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Cooperative research in fisheries science and management is increasing throughout the United States, in part because of the increasing trust and credibility divide between fishermen and scientists. For example, the Northeast Consortium was established to, among other goals, help bring fishermen's information, experience, and expertise into the scientific framework needed for fisheries management. This research begins to examine whether cooperative research integrates fishermen's and scientists' knowledge, particularly among highly engaged industry leaders and their science partners. Findings are presented from three surveys - individuals engaged in commercial fishing in northern New England (n=295), and fishermen (n=60), and scientists (n=37) participating in Northeast Consortium projects - examining: (1) whether knowledge integration was considered important and achievable, and why; and (2) whether and how fishermen and scientists learned about the scientific process or fishermen and fishing, respectively, from participating in cooperative research. Ramifications of the study and recommendations for research program managers are discussed.
机译:在整个美国,渔业科学与管理领域的合作研究在不断增加,部分原因是渔民与科学家之间的信任度和信誉度日益提高。例如,成立了东北财团,以除其他目标外,帮助将渔民的信息,经验和专业知识带入渔业管理所需的科学框架。这项研究开始研究合作研究是否整合了渔民和科学家的知识,特别是在高度敬业的行业领导者及其科学合作伙伴之间。从三项调查中得出了调查结果-新英格兰北部( n = 295)从事商业捕鱼的个人,渔民( n = 60)和科学家( n = 37)参加了东北财团的项目-研究:(1)知识整合是否被认为是重要和可实现的,为什么? (2)渔民和科学家是否以及如何从参与合作研究中获知科学过程或渔民和捕捞。讨论了研究的结果和对研究计划管理人员的建议。



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