首页> 外文期刊>Chaos >Comparison of the Newtonian and relativistic predicted trajectories for a low-speed periodically delta-kicked system

Comparison of the Newtonian and relativistic predicted trajectories for a low-speed periodically delta-kicked system


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The dynamics of a periodically delta-kicked Hamiltonian system moving at low speed (i.e., at speed much less than the speed of light) is studied numerically. In particular, the trajectory of the system predicted by Newtonian mechanics is compared with the trajectory predicted by special relativistic mechanics for the same parameters and initial conditions. We find that the Newtonian trajectory, although close to the relativistic trajectory for some time, eventually disagrees completely with the relativistic trajectory, regardless of the nature (chaotic, nonchaotic) of each trajectory. However, the agreement breaks down very fast if either the Newtonian or relativistic trajectory is chaotic, but very much slower if both the Newtonian and relativistic trajectories are nonchaotic. In the former chaotic case, the difference between the Newtonian and relativistic values for both position and momentum grows, on average, exponentially. In the latter nonchaotic case, the difference grows much slower, for example, linearly on average. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
机译:数值研究了周期性地被三角洲踢的哈密顿系统以低速运动(即速度远小于光速)的动力学。特别是,对于相同的参数和初始条件,将牛顿力学预测的系统轨迹与特殊相对论力学预测的轨迹进行了比较。我们发现,尽管牛顿轨迹在一段时间内接近于相对论轨迹,但最终却完全不同于相对论轨迹,而与每条轨迹的性质(混沌,非混沌)无关。但是,如果牛顿或相对论轨迹是混沌的,则协议分解得很快,而如果牛顿和相对论轨迹都不是混沌,则协议分解得要慢得多。在前一种混乱的情况下,位置和动量的牛顿值和相对论值之间的差异平均呈指数增长。在后一种非混沌情况下,差异平均增长得慢得多,例如线性增长。 (c)2006年美国物理研究所。



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