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Understanding global health and development partnerships: Perspectives from African and global health system professionals


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Partnership is a key idea in current debates about global health and development assistance, yet little is known about what partnership means to those who are responsible for operationalising it or how it is experienced in practice. This is particularly the case in the context of African health systems. This paper explores how health professionals working in global health hubs and the health systems of South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia understand and experience partnership. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with 101 professionals based in each country, Washington DC and Geneva between October 2012 and June 2013, the paper makes four key arguments. First, partnership has a legitimating function in global health policy processes for international development institutions, government agencies and civil society organisations alike. Second, the practice of partnership generates idiosyncratic and complicated relationships that health professionals have to manage and navigate, often informally. Third, partnership is shaped by historical legacies, critical events, and independent consultants. Fourth, despite being an accepted part of global health policy, there is little shared understanding of what good partnership is meant to include or resemble in practice. Knowing more about the specific socio-cultural and political dynamics of partnership in different health system contexts is critical to equip health professionals with the skills to build the informal relations that are essential to effective partnership engagement. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在当前有关全球卫生与发展援助的辩论中,伙伴关系是一个关键思想,但是对于伙伴关系对负责实施该伙伴关系的人意味着什么,或者在实践中如何经历,知之甚少。在非洲卫生系统的情况下尤其如此。本文探讨了在全球卫生中心以及南非,坦桑尼亚和赞比亚的卫生系统工作的卫生专业人员如何理解和体验伙伴关系。在2012年10月至2013年6月期间,通过对分别来自美国,华盛顿特区和日内瓦的101位专业人员的半结构化访谈,该论文提出了四个关键论点。首先,伙伴关系在国际开发机构,政府机构和民间社会组织等全球卫生政策流程中具有合法作用。其次,伙伴关系的实践产生了特殊而复杂的关系,卫生专业人员不得不经常非正式地进行管理和应对。第三,伙伴关系是由历史遗留,重大事件和独立顾问形成的。第四,尽管已被公认是全球卫生政策的一部分,但对于良好的合作伙伴关系在实践中应包含或相似的共识很少。了解不同卫生系统背景下的伙伴关系的具体社会文化和政治动态,对于使卫生专业人员具备建立非正式关系的技能至关重要,这对于有效参与伙伴关系至关重要。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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