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Methods for Testing Strawberry Fruit Firmness: A Review


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Fruit firmness is an important, but highly variable quality characteristic of strawberry (Fragaria Xananassa Duch.) fruit. Both genetic background, growing conditions and fruit constitution at the time of testing (degree of ripeness, size, post-harvest handling, internal temperature, etc.) affect fruit firmness. Fruit firmness data is also influenced by the methods used, and there is no common standardized method for fruit firmness testing in strawberry. Many instruments and techniques are reported in the literature. Most of these methods measure the force needed to puncture, penetrate or deform the fruit. Despite of this, the physical differences in instrumentation, in the textural components they measure, or in fruit handling techniques associatedwith them, lead to variable results. Often, low correlations between results from different methods are found. In the present paper, the equipment and techniques for strawberry fruit firmness testing and their overall suitability for adoption as a standard method are reviewed and discussed. Considering cost, time efficiency, accuracy and reproducibility, methods using the Bareiss HHp-2001-Fff, a handheld electronic instrument, appear to be efficient for measuring the firmness of single berries. When measuring multi-fruited samples for firmness, the Eisenhuth method seems to be very useful. The Instron and the Texture Analyzer are advanced instruments, giving reliable results, but they are expensive and time-consuming. In many cases, two methods shouldbe combined to obtain reliable results. In all cases, the sample size should be at least 25 fruits.
机译:果实硬度是草莓(Fragaria Xananassa Duch。)果实的重要但高度可变的品质特征。遗传背景,生长条件和测试时的水果构造(成熟度,大小,收获后的处理,内部温度等)都会影响水果的硬度。水果硬度数据也受所用方法的影响,目前尚无用于草莓水果硬度测试的通用标准化方法。文献中报道了许多仪器和技术。这些方法大多数都测量刺破,穿透或使水果变形所需的力。尽管如此,仪器,它们所测量的质地成分或与之相关的水果处理技术方面的物理差异仍导致可变的结果。通常,发现不同方法的结果之间的相关性较低。在本文中,对草莓果实硬度测试的设备和技术及其作为标准方法的总体适用性进行了综述和讨论。考虑到成本,时间效率,准确性和可重复性,使用Bareiss HHp-2001-Fff(手持电子仪器)的方法似乎可以有效地测量单个浆果的硬度。当测量多果样品的硬度时,艾森休斯方法似乎非常有用。 Instron和Texture Analyzer是先进的仪器,可提供可靠的结果,但它们昂贵且耗时。在许多情况下,应结合使用两种方法以获得可靠的结果。在所有情况下,样本量均应至少为25个水果。



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