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Porous Alumina with Shaped Pore Geometries and Complex Pore Architectures Fabricated by Cyclic Anodization**


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The fabrication of three-dimensional (3D) architectures withnanoscale dimensions is still an evolving research area ofnanotechnology. Various methodologies including conven-tional and unconventional fabrications, such as photolitho-graphy, scanning beam lithography, molding, embossing, andimprinting, have been developed in the past decade.r1-21However, the production of 3D structures using thesetechniques is expensive and inherently complex. Electro-chemistry is regarded as a key discipline for nanotechnology,with a view to the development of applications for cost-effective fabrication of nanostructured materials.131 Poroussilicon fabricated by electrochemical etching and porousanodic alumina oxide (AAO) fabricated by anodization aretwo particularly well-known examples.[4.51 Due to theirsimplicity, inexpensive electrochemical fabrication, andattractive properties, they are the most widely used nanoma-terials for numerous nanotechnological applications.16.71 Thestructure of AAO is, ideally, a hexagonally packed array ofself-organized and vertically aligned columnar cells, eachcontaining a central pore with a diameter ranging from 10 to400 nm.18-1°1 In recent years, AAO has attracted considerableinterest for applications in template synthesis, molecularfiltration, catalysis, sensing, electronics, photonics, energystorage, and drug delivery.r11-151 In particular, its applicationas a nanotemplate has been widely explored for the fabricationof nanostructures including nanoparticles, nanowires, nano-tubes, nanorings, and nanocones.[16-21] Three well-studiedgrowth regimes using conventional, so-called mild (or low-field) anodization (MA) in H2SO4, H2C204, and H3PO4 areaccepted as the optimal conditions for fabrication of AAOwith highly ordered pore structures.122-251 To solve theproblem of very slow anodization by MA (1-2 h-1), anew method called hard (or high-field) anodization (HA) hasrecently been introduced to considerably speed up the process(50-100
机译:具有纳米尺度尺寸的三维(3D)架构的制造仍是纳米技术的一个不断发展的研究领域。在过去的十年中,已经开发出了包括常规和非常规制造方法在内的各种方法,例如光刻,扫描束光刻,成型,压花和压印。r1-21然而,使用这些技术生产3D结构非常昂贵,并且固有地很复杂。为了开发具有成本效益的纳米结构材料的制造应用,电化学被认为是纳米技术的关键学科。131电化学蚀刻法制备的多孔硅和阳极氧化法制备的多孔阳极氧化铝(AAO)是两个特别著名的领域例子。[4.51由于它们的简单性,廉价的电化学制造和有吸引力的特性,它们是用于众多纳米技术应用的最广泛使用的纳米材料。16.71理想地,AAO的结构是六方堆积的自组织且垂直排列的柱状电池阵列,每个AAO都包含一个直径在10到400 nm范围内的中心孔。18-1°1近年来,AAO在模板合成,分子过滤,催化,传感,电子,光子学,能量存储和药物递送方面引起了广泛的关注。 151特别是,其作为纳米模板的应用已被广泛探索。他制造了纳米结构,包括纳米粒子,纳米线,纳米管,纳米环和纳米锥。[16-21]在H2SO4,H2C204和H2SO4中使用常规的所谓的温和(或低场)阳极氧化(MA),对三种生长机理进行了深入研究。 H3PO4被认为是制造具有高度有序孔结构的AAO的最佳条件。122-251为了解决MA(1-2 h-1)进行非常缓慢的阳极氧化的问题,一种称为硬(或高场)阳极氧化(HA)的新方法最近引入以大大加快该过程(50-100



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