首页> 外文期刊>Small Fruits Review >Post-Harvest Hedging and Pruning of Three Year Pruning Trial on 'Climax' and Tifblue' Rabbiteye Blueberry

Post-Harvest Hedging and Pruning of Three Year Pruning Trial on 'Climax' and Tifblue' Rabbiteye Blueberry


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Control of bush height is a major problem in rabbitcye blueberries. Eight-year-old, moderately vigorous Vaccinium ashei cv. Climax, were roof-top hedged in early August to a height of about 2.2 m (7 ft). Fourteen-year-old, low vigor Tifblue' were roof-top hedged to a height of about 2.8 m (9 ft) 0, 2, 4, and 6 weeks after harvest. Average bush yield on 'Climax' was 5.3 kg (11.6 lbs) for the unpruncd control, 4.6 kg (10.1 lbs) for the moderate roof-top hedged, and 4.8 kg (10.5 lbs) for the winter canerenewal pruning treatment. There were no significant differences among yields but there was a trend toward lower yields on the first harvest of 'Climax' with roof-top hedging compared to unpruned or cane renewal pruned. Average bush yield on 'Tifbluc' was 2.9 kg (6.4 lbs) for the unpruned control, 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for pruning 0 weeks after harvest, 3.3 kg (7.3 lbs) for pruning two weeks after harvest, 2.8 kg (6.1 lbs) for pruning four weeks after harvest, and 2.8 kg (6.3 lbs) for pruning six weeks after harvest. 'Tifblue' that were roof-top hedged two weeks after harvest tended to produce the highest yields. Bushes that were roof-top hedged were much easier to hand harvest.
机译:灌木丛高度的控制是兔毛蓝莓的主要问题。八岁,中等强度的越橘越桔简历。 Climax在8月初进行了屋顶树篱,高约2.2 m(7 ft)。在收获后0、2、4和6周,将十四岁的低活力Tifblue'屋顶树篱固定到约2.8 m(9英尺)的高度。在未修剪的对照上,“高潮”的平均灌木产量为5.3千克(11.6磅),中度屋顶绿篱的平均灌木产量为4.6千克(10.1磅),而冬季枝条修剪则为4.8千克(10.5磅)。产量之间没有显着差异,但与未修剪或甘蔗更新修剪相比,使用屋顶对冲的“高潮”(Climax)第一次收获时有降低产量的趋势。未修剪对照的'Tifbluc'灌木平均产量为2.9千克(6.4磅),收获后0周修剪的为2.5千克(5.5磅),收获后两周修剪为3.3千克(7.3磅),为2.8千克(6.1磅) ),以在收获后四个星期进行修剪,并在收获后六个星期进行修剪时为2.8千克(6.3磅)。收获后两周在屋顶对冲的“ Tifblue”倾向于产生最高的产量。屋顶树篱的灌木丛更容易收割。



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