首页> 外文期刊>Sexually transmitted diseases >Chlamydia trachomatis Genotypes Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Australia

Chlamydia trachomatis Genotypes Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Australia


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Background: Chlamydia trachomatis is a common bacterial sexually transmitted infection in men who have sex with men (MSM), although little is known about its distribution in Australian MSM communities. Methods: From 2004 to 2008, 612 consecutive C. trachomatis positive anal swab and urine samples were collected for genotyping and quantification from MSM attending 2 sexual health centers (Melbourne and Sydney). Results: The most common serovars detected were D (35.2%), G (32.7%), and J (17.7%), although these distributions changed significantly by year and city. C. trachomatis infections (2.8%) involved more than 1 serovar and only 1 lymphogranuloma venereum isolate was detected. The majority of serovar strains showed an identical ompl genotype, with only 7.5% showing genotypic variability. Serovar G infections were not associated with overseas sexual activity; whilst individuals with serovar J were less likely to have had a prior C. trachomatis infection, and with serovar E were those who had prior C. trachomatis infection. Symptoms were present in 68% of urethral infections and 28% anal infections, and were associated with gonor-rheal coinfection (13.8%), prior C. trachomatis infection (20.6%) and increasing age. A higher C. trachomatis load was identified in anal samples versus urine (1.48 X 10~4 genome copies/anal swab; 3.72 X 10~3 copies/mL urine) and no association was made to concentration including the presence of symptoms and prior C. trachomatis infection. . Conclusions: This is the largest study of C. trachomatis serovars in MSM: it is the first to report C. trachomatis rectal loads, and provides an overview on C. trachomatis serovars and genotypic variants that circulate in Australian MSM communities.
机译:背景:沙眼衣原体是与男性发生性关系(MSM)的男性中常见的细菌性传播感染,尽管对其分布在澳大利亚MSM社区知之甚少。方法:从2004年到2008年,从位于墨尔本和悉尼的两个性健康中心的男男性接触者中收集了612份连续的沙眼衣原体阳性肛门拭子和尿液样本进行基因分型和定量。结果:检测到的最常见血清型为D(35.2%),G(32.7%)和J(17.7%),尽管这些分布随年份和城市而变化很大。沙眼衣原体感染(2.8%)涉及1个以上的血清型,仅检出1个分离性的淋巴肉芽肿。大多数血清型菌株显示出相同的ompl基因型,只有7.5%显示出基因型变异性。血清G感染与国外的性活动无关。患有血清型J的人不太可能以前感染过沙眼衣原体,而血清型E的人则以前感染过沙眼衣原体。在尿道感染的68%和肛门感染的28%中出现症状,并且与淋巴共感染(13.8%),先前的沙眼衣原体感染(20.6%)和年龄增长有关。肛门样品中沙眼衣原体载量高于尿液(1.48 X 10〜4个基因组拷贝/肛门拭子; 3.72 X 10〜3个拷贝/ mL尿液),并且与浓度无关,包括症状的存在和先前的C沙眼菌感染。结论:这是MSM中最大的沙眼衣原体血清型研究:这是第一个报告沙眼衣原体直肠负荷的研究,并概述了澳大利亚MSM社区中流行的沙眼衣原体血清型和基因型变异。



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