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Availability of Serologic and Virologic Testing for Herpes Simplex Virus in the Largest Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics in the United States


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Background: The prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) in the United States is estimated to be 57.7% for HSV 1 and 17.0% for HSV 2. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that both virologic and serologic tests be available at clinics that examined clients at risk for sexually transmitted diseases. Methods: A telephone survey was conducted. Providers at the 230 largest sexually transmitted disease clinics in the United States were surveyed regarding the availability of HSV virologic and serologic testing at their clinics. Results: Of the 230 clinics, 37% (87) had neither serological nor virologic testing available, 36% (87) had only virologic, 23% (50) had both serologic and virologic, and 4% (8) had only serologic testing. States in the western and northern regions were significantly, more likely to offer any type of HSV testing than the southern and Midwestern states (P < 0.05). The ability and techniques used to diagnose HSV varied widely by site and ranged from diagnosing by clinical examinations only to offer serological testing for all patients. Conclusions: Almost three-quarters of the clinics did not comply with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations. Further efforts are needed to implement national guidelines for HSV testing.
机译:背景:在美国,单纯疱疹病毒1型(HSV-1)和2型(HSV-2)的流行率估计为HSV 1为57.7%,HSV 2为17.0%。疾病控制与预防中心建议在检查有性传播疾病风险的服务对象的诊所中同时进行病毒学检查和血清学检查。方法:进行电话调查。对美国230家最大的性传播疾病诊所的提供者进行了调查,以了解其诊所中HSV病毒学和血清学检测的可用性。结果:在230个诊所中,有37%(87)没有进行血清学或病毒学检查,只有36%(87)没有进行病毒学检查,23%(50)既有血清学检查也有病毒学检查,4%(8)仅进行了血清学检查。西部和北部地区的州比南部和中西部的州显着提供任何类型的HSV检测的可能性更高(P <0.05)。诊断HSV的能力和技术因部位而异,从通过临床检查诊断到为所有患者提供血清学检测的范围不等。结论:几乎四分之三的诊所不符合疾病预防控制中心的建议。需要进一步努力来实施国家HSV测试指南。



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