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Mind the Gap: The Role of Time Between Sex With Two Consecutive Partners on the Transmission Dynamics of Gonorrhea.


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OBJECTIVE:: Both the duration of sexual partnerships and the time between two consecutive partnerships (gap length) varies between populations. We use a mathematical model with multiple partnership durations and gap lengths to identify the types of relationship cycles that sustain gonorrhea transmission in the United Kingdom. STUDY DESIGN:: A mathematical model for gonorrhea transmission was constructed which tracks the duration of partnerships and their preceding gap lengths. The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles was used to parameterize the model population into 5 different partnership lengths (mean of 1 day, 2 weeks, 8 weeks, 30 weeks, and 10 years) and 3 preceding gap lengths (14 days, 8 weeks, and 1.5 years). RESULTS:: The model was able to reproduce patterns of gonococcal infection in the United Kingdom. Assortative (like-with-like) mixing of individuals with short gaps between partnerships was required for gonorrhea infection to persist. Prevalence was highest in individuals with short (>1 day-<1 month) and midterm partnership durations (>1 month-<3 months). Interventions (such as increased condom use) targeted at those with medium-term partnerships were most effective at reducing prevalence; in contrast targeting interventions at those with short partnerships but longer gap lengths (i.e., the group with the highest number of sexual partners) had relatively less impact. CONCLUSION:: Our model suggests that gonorrhea is sustained by the presence of a small group of individuals with short gap lengths and medium length partnerships. Interventions targeted at this group are more effective than those targeted at individuals with high numbers of sexual partners but longer gap lengths.
机译:目的:性伴侣的持续时间和两次连续性伴侣之间的时间(间隔长度)在人群之间会有所不同。我们使用具有多个伙伴关系持续时间和缺口长度的数学模型来确定在英国维持淋病传播的关系周期的类型。研究设计:建立了淋病传播的数学模型,该模型跟踪伙伴关系的持续时间及其先前的间隙长度。使用《全国性态度和生活方式调查》将模型人群参数化为5种不同的伴侣长度(1天,2周,8周,30周和10年的平均值)和3种先前的间隙长度(14天,8周)和1.5年)。结果:该模型能够复制英国淋球菌感染的模式。要使淋病感染持续存在,就需要在伙伴之间有短距离的个体混合(类似)混合。在短期(> 1天-<1个月)和中期伙伴关系持续时间(> 1个月-<3个月)的个体中,患病率最高。针对具有中期伙伴关系的人的干预措施(例如增加使用安全套)最有效地降低了患病率;相比之下,针对伙伴关系较短但间隔时间较长(即性伴侣数量最多的人群)的干预措施的影响相对较小。结论:我们的模型表明淋病由少数人组成,这些人的缺口长度短,伙伴关系中等长度。针对这类人群的干预比针对性伴侣数量多但间隔时间长的个体的干预更为有效。



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