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The Owl and the Nightingale: The Quetelet/Nightingale Nexus


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Visiting the Acropolis in 1850, the 29-year-old Florence Nightingale came across boys playing with a baby owl that had fallen from its nest. She bought it from them, named it Athena (goddess of wisdom), and nurtured it until its death, two days before she sailed for the Crimea with a party of nurses in 1854. Translations of the Middle English 12th-century poem The Owl and the Nightingale appeared when Nightingale was 18 and 23. She is likely to have read with appreciation Owl’s observation that “[when her] lord travels … on behalf of both of them … the good wife is … sad by day and sleepless by night, and the time seems to her to pass very slowly” and Owl’s curt dismissal of the nightingale with “Do you think I can’t sing just because I can’t twitter?”
机译:29岁的佛罗伦萨·南丁格尔(Florence Nightingale)于1850年访问雅典卫城,遇到男孩子在玩从其巢中掉下来的小猫头鹰。她从他们那里购买了它,并将其命名为雅典娜(智慧女神),并将其培育直至死亡,直到1854年她与护士们一起乘船前往克里米亚。十二世纪中叶英国诗词《猫头鹰和夜莺在夜莺18岁和23岁时出现。她可能很欣赏猫头鹰的观察,“ [当她的主人]旅行时……代表他们两个……好妻子……白天难过,晚上失眠,在她看来,时间过得很慢”,而猫头鹰则用“你以为我不会twitter吗?



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