首页> 外文期刊>Sex roles >The Exonerating Effect of Sexual Objectification: Sexual Objectification Decreases Rapist Blame in a Stranger Rape Context

The Exonerating Effect of Sexual Objectification: Sexual Objectification Decreases Rapist Blame in a Stranger Rape Context


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A blossoming body of research documents the effect of sexual objectification on social perception, but little is known about the consequences of sexual objectification. This paper examines how sexual objectification influences men and women's rape perceptions in case of a stranger rape. We hypothesized that victims' sexual objectification might diminish rapist blame and increase victim blame in cases of stranger rape. Fifty-eight male and 57 female Belgian undergraduate students were assigned to either a sexual objectifying (i.e., body focus) or to a personalized portrayal (i.e., face focus) of a rape victim. After reading a newspaper report depicting a stranger rape, participants were asked to evaluate the extent to which they blamed the rapist and the victim. As predicted, participants blamed the rapist less in the sexual objectification condition, regardless of participant gender. In contrast, sexual objectification did not increase victim blame. These results have implications for the well-being of rape victims, as well as for the functioning of justice if it leads authorities to show leniency towards the length of penalty a rapist may receive. The implications of these findings for future research on sexual objectification and gender differences in rape perception are also discussed.
机译:大量的研究记录了性客观化对社会知觉的影响,但对性客观化的后果知之甚少。本文探讨了在陌生人强奸的情况下性客观化如何影响男女的强奸观念。我们假设,在陌生人强奸案中,受害者的性客观化可能会减少强奸犯的责备并增加受害者的责备。 58名比利时本科生男生和57名女性比利时本科生被分配到强奸受害者的性客观化(即身体重点)或个性化写照(即面部重点)上。阅读报纸上描述陌生人强奸的报道后,要求参与者评估他们谴责强奸犯和受害者的程度。如预料的那样,无论参与者的性别如何,参与者在性客观化方面都较少指责强奸犯。相反,性客观化并没有增加受害者的责任。这些结果不仅对强奸受害者的福祉有影响,而且对司法的运作也有影响,如果它导致当局对强奸犯可能受到的刑罚表现出宽大处理。还讨论了这些发现对未来关于性目标化和强奸知觉中性别差异的研究的意义。



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