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Diabetic thigh muscle infarction in association with antiphospholipid antibodies.


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BACKGROUND: Diabetic muscle infarction (DMI) is a rare complication of type 1 diabetes mellitus. DMI has a stereotyped clinical presentation and characteristic, though nonspecific, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histologic findings. The etiology, however, remains controversial. OBJECTIVES: To present the first reported cases of DMI in association with positive antiphospholipid (aPL) antibody titers and to discuss the etiologic and pathogenic significance of the association between type 1 diabetes and aPL antibodies. METHODS: Descriptive case reports of 2 patients with DMI and positive aPL antibodies and a review of the relevant literature. RESULTS: Our 2 patients with DMI are female type-1 diabetics with end-organ microvascular complications who presented with an abrupt, painful swelling or mass of the thigh musculature. The diagnosis of DMI was based on the clinical picture and the findings on T2-weighted MRI and histologic evaluation. The first patient had a long history of known aPL antibodies in the setting of systemic lupus erythematosus. The second patient was only determined to be aPL positive after her recurrent episodes of DMI. The first patient was treated with anticoagulation and corticosteroids with relatively rapid resolution of symptoms. The second patient was treated with local debridement and supportive care with a resulting course of prolonged symptoms and recurrences. There are no controlled trials of the treatment of DMI. In the literature there is evidence for an increased prevalence of aPL antibodies in type 1 diabetic patients. The pathogenesis of DMI is poorly understood, but the hypercoagulable state often associated with aPL antibodies may play an important role. CONCLUSIONS/RELEVANCE: aPL antibodies may be involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic muscle infarction and could serve as an important target of therapeutic intervention, namely with anticoagulation.
机译:背景:糖尿病性肌梗死(DMI)是1型糖尿病的罕见并发症。 DMI具有定型的临床表现和特征,尽管具有非特异性的磁共振成像(MRI)和组织学发现。然而,病因仍存在争议。目的:介绍DMI与抗磷脂抗体(aPL)阳性抗体滴度相关的首例报道,并探讨1型糖尿病与aPL抗体之间关联的病因学和病原学意义。方法:描述2例DMI和aPL抗体阳性的患者的病例报告,并复习相关文献。结果:我们的2例DMI患者是女性1型糖尿病患者,伴有最终器官微血管并发症,表现为突然,疼痛的肿胀或大腿肌肉组织肿块。 DMI的诊断基于临床表现以及T2加权MRI和组织学评估的发现。第一例患者在系统性红斑狼疮的病史中已知aPL抗体的历史悠久。第二例患者仅在DMI复发后才被确定为aPL阳性。首例患者接受抗凝和糖皮质激素治疗,症状缓解较快。第二例患者接受了局部清创和支持治疗,导致症状和复发时间延长。没有关于DMI治疗的对照试验。在文献中,有证据表明1型糖尿病患者中aPL抗体的患病率增加。 DMI的发病机理了解甚少,但通常与aPL抗体相关的高凝状态可能起重要作用。结论/相关性:aPL抗体可能与糖尿病性肌梗死的发病机制有关,并且可以作为抗凝治疗干预的重要靶点。



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