首页> 外文期刊>Semina: Ciencias Agrarias >Performance of Angus, Devon and crossbred Angus x Devon x Nelore young steers in feedlot

Performance of Angus, Devon and crossbred Angus x Devon x Nelore young steers in feedlot


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The study was based on data from 129 beef steers from three genetic groups: Angus (AN, n=45), Devon (DV, n=35) and Crossbred Angus x Devon x Nelore (CB, n=49), with an average beginning weight (ABW) of 277.60, 278.00 and 295.53 kg, respectively. Those animals were in a feedlot with 11 months of age, to be slaughtered at 14 months. The parameters analyzed were: days on feed (DF), average weight gain (AWG), total weight gain (TWG), average slaughter weight (SW), average carcass weight (CW), average carcass yield (CY) and carcass classification (CC). The analysis were done using the ABW as a covariate because of these variable in the group CB were higher (p<0.01) than AN and DV groups. The variables AWG, DF and CC did not show difference among the groups (p>0.05). CB animals got a higher SW (375.04 kg) than DV (359.40) (p<0.05), while AN (356.31 kg) did not differ from DV and CB (p>0.05). The CW (p<0.05) and CY (p<0.01) were higher to CB (191.12 kg and 50.99%) than AN (179.81 kg and 49.73%) and DV (177.23 kg and 49.41%), respectively. Angus and Devon beef steers had similar results in all variables analyzed. Crossbred animals presented greater carcass weight and carcass yield than the others groups.
机译:该研究基于来自三个遗传群体的129个公牛的数据:安格斯(AN,n = 45),德文郡(DV,n = 35)和杂种安格斯x德文郡x Nelore(CB,n = 49),平均起始体重(ABW)分别为277.60、278.00和295.53千克。这些动物在11个月大的饲养场中,要在14个月时宰杀。分析的参数为:饲喂天数(DF),平均体重增加(AWG),总体重增加(TWG),平均屠宰体重(SW),平均car体重量(CW),平均car体产量(CY)和car体分类( CC)。使用ABW作为协变量进行分析,因为CB组中的这些变量高于AN和DV组(p <0.01)。变量AWG,DF和CC在各组之间无差异(p> 0.05)。 CB动物的SW(375.04 kg)比DV(359.40)高(p <0.05),而AN(356.31 kg)与DV和CB无差异(p> 0.05)。 CB(191.12 kg和50.99%)的CW(p <0.05)和CY(p <0.01)分别高于AN(179.81 kg和49.73%)和DV(177.23 kg和49.41%)。在所有分析的变量中,安格斯牛和德文郡牛ste牛的结果相似。杂种动物的car体重量和yield体产量比其他组高。



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