首页> 外文期刊>SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis >Boundary estimates for the elastic wave equation in almost incompressible materials

Boundary estimates for the elastic wave equation in almost incompressible materials


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We study the half-lane problem for the elastic wave equation subject to a free surface boundary condition, with particular emphasis on almost incompressible materials. A normal mode analysis is developed to estimate the solution in terms of the boundary data, showing that the problem is boundary stable. The dependence on the material properties, which is difficult to analyze by the energy method, is made transparent by our estimates. The normal mode technique is used to analyze the influence of truncation errors in a finite difference approximation. Our analysis explains why the number of grid points per wave length must be increased when the shear modulus (μ) becomes small compared to the first Lamé parameter (λ), that is, for almost incompressible materials. When the surface waves are scaled to have unit wave length, our analysis predicts that the grid size must be proportional to (μ/λ)1/2 for a second order method. For a fourth order method, the grid size can be proportional to (μ/λ)1/4. Numerical experiments confirm these scaling and illustrate the superior efficiency of a fourth order method.



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