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Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis: a clinicopathological study.


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We report the clinical, electrophysiological, radiological and morphological features in a series of 12 patients of histopathologically confirmed cases (infantile, juvenile and adult onset) of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL) observed from 1979 to 1998 at National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore (South India). The commonest type of NCL was juvenile (n = 8, 67%) while infantile and adult forms were two each (n = 2, 16.8%). The age at presentation ranged from 2 to 45 years (mean--12.6, 14.3 years; median--7 years; M:F ratio of 2:1). Four patients (33%) had positive family history and five patients had history of consanguineous parentage (41.6%). The commonest presenting symptoms were regression of milestones (83.3%) and/or seizures, myoclonus (83.8%) followed by involuntary choreiform movements (50%), visual loss (41.6%), ataxia (33.3%) and abnormal behaviour (16.6%). Neuro-ophthalmological abnormalities like optic atrophy (50%), macular degeneration (33.3%) and retinitis pigmentosa (8.3%) were seen in two thirds. Nerve conduction studies (n = 4) revealed abnormalities in two, suggestive of sensorimotor neuropathy. Scalp EEG (n = 9) showed slowing of background activity (BGA) of varying degrees with paroxysmal bursts of seizure discharges in majority. Cranial CT scan (n = 4) revealed varying degrees of diffuse atrophy. Diagnostic brain biopsy was carried out in 11 and brain was examined at autopsy in 1 case. Histological examination revealed characteristic PAS and Luxol Fast Blue (LFB) positive, autofluorescent (AF) intracellular ceroid material, both in neurons and astrocytes in the grey matter. Electron microscopy (n = 5) revealed curvilinear (n = 4), lamellar (n = 2) and electron dense (n = 2) inclusions in neurons, astrocytes and vascular endothelial cells. To conclude, this neurodegenerative disease had varied but characteristic clinical presentations and required histopathological confirmation of diagnosis.
机译:我们报告了从1979年至1998年在美国国家心理健康与神经科学研究所(NCI)观察到的12例经组织病理学确诊的病例(婴儿,青少年和成人发作)的12例患者的临床,电生理,放射学和形态学特征。 NIMHANS),班加罗尔(印度南部)。 NCL最常见的类型是少年(n = 8,67%),而婴儿和成人分别是两种(n = 2,16.8%)。出现时的年龄为2至45岁(平均-12.6、14.3岁;中位数-7岁; M:F比例为2:1)。有4例(33%)有阳性家族史,有5例有近亲史(41.6%)。最常见的症状是里程碑消退(83.3%)和/或癫痫发作,肌阵挛(83.8%),其次是非自愿性舞蹈样运动(50%),视力丧失(41.6%),共济失调(33.3%)和异常行为(16.6%)。 )。在三分之二的患者中发现了神经眼科异常,如视神经萎缩(50%),黄斑变性(33.3%)和色素性视网膜炎(8.3%)。神经传导研究(n = 4)显示有两个异常,提示感觉运动神经病变。头皮脑电图(n = 9)表现为不同程度的背景活动(BGA)减慢,大多数为阵发性发作性发作。颅脑CT扫描(n = 4)显示不同程度的弥漫性萎缩。诊断性脑活检11例,尸检1例。组织学检查显示神经元和星形胶质细胞中灰质的特征性PAS和Luxol固蓝(LFB)阳性,自发荧光(AF)细胞内类固醇物质。电子显微镜(n = 5)显示神经元,星形胶质细胞和血管内皮细胞中的曲线(n = 4),层状(n = 2)和电子致密(n = 2)夹杂物。总而言之,这种神经退行性疾病具有多种多样但特征性的临床表现,并需要组织病理学确诊。



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