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Andean orchid conservation and the role of private lands: a case study from Ecuador.


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Orchids represent ca. 10% of the world's flowering plant species, and their diversity and endemism reach their maximum in the montane forests of the Andes. In Ecuador, nearly 80% of the 700 orchid species endemic to the country are found at 300-3000 m elevation. Microclimatic specialization and geographic isolation of elevational bands in montane regions have favored orchid speciation and the evolution of restricted-range species. With 75% of montane forests destroyed, and only 15% of species protected within existing reserves, fully a third of Ecuador's endemic orchid species are at risk of extinction. Private reserves in the Andes can play a major role in the conservation of orchids. After outlining existing legal mechanisms for conservation of habitat on private lands, we present a case study of the application of a conservation easement to the protection of the El Pahuma Orchid Reserve in the Ecuadorian Andes..
机译:兰花代表约。世界上10%的开花植物物种及其多样性和特有性在安第斯山脉的山地森林中达到最大。在厄瓜多尔,该国特有的700种兰花物种中有近80%位于海拔300-3000 m处。山地地区高海拔带的微气候专业化和地理隔离有利于兰花的形成和有限范围物种的进化。由于75%的山地森林遭到破坏,而现有保护区中只有15%的物种受到保护,厄瓜多尔特有的兰花物种中有三分之一有灭绝的危险。安第斯山脉的私人保护区可以在兰花的保护中发挥重要作用。在概述了保护私人土地上的栖息地的现有法律机制之后,我们以保护地役权在厄瓜多尔安第斯山脉的El Pahuma兰花保护区的保护应用为例。



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