首页> 外文期刊>Cerebrovascular diseases >Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) Patient Management in French Stroke Units and Impact Estimation of Thrombolysis on Care Pathways and Associated Costs

Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) Patient Management in French Stroke Units and Impact Estimation of Thrombolysis on Care Pathways and Associated Costs


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Background: Stroke is the second leading cause of death and a first leading cause of acquired disability in adults worldwide. This study aims to evaluate the current management and associated costs of acute ischemic stroke (AIS) for patients admitted in stroke units in France and over a one-year follow-up period as well as to assess the impact of improved thrombolytic management in terms of increasing the proportion of patients receiving thrombolysis and/or treated within 3 h from the onset of symptoms. Methods: A decision model was developed, which comprises two components: the first corresponding to the acute hospital management phase of patients with AIS up until hospital discharge, extracted from the national hospital discharge database (PMSI 2011), and the second corresponding to the post-acute (post-discharge) phase, based on national treatment guidelines and stroke experts' advice. Five post- acute clinical care pathways were defined. In-hospital mortality and mortality at 3 months post-discharge was taken into account into the model. Patient journeys and costs were determined for both phases. Improved thrombolytic management was modeled by increasing the proportion of patients receiving thrombolysis from the current estimated level of 16.7 to 25% as well as subsequently increasing the proportion of patients treated within 3 h of the onset of symptoms post-stroke from 50 to 100%. The impact on care pathways was derived from clinical data. Results: Among 202,078 hospitalizations for a stroke or a transient ischemic attack (TIA), 90,528 were for confirmed AIS, and 33% (29,999) of them managed within a stroke unit. After hospitalization, 60% of discharges were to home, 25% to rehabilitative care and then home, 2% to rehabilitative care and then a nursing home, 7% to long-term care, and 6% of stays ended with patient death. Of a total cost over 1 year of (sic)610 million (mean cost per patient of (sic)20,326), 70% concern the post-acute phase. By increasing the proportion of patients being thrombolyzed, costs are reduced primarily by a decrease in rehabilitative care, with savings per additional treated patient of (sic)1,462. By adding improved timing, savings are more than doubled (sic)3,183 per additional treated patient). Conclusions: This study confirms that the burden of AIS in France is heavy. By improving thrombolytic management in stroke units, patient journeys through care pathways can be modified, with increased discharges home, a change in post-acute resource consumption and net savings. (C) 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel
机译:背景:中风是全球成年人的第二大死亡原因和后天致残的第一主要原因。这项研究的目的是评估法国中风病房和一年的随访期内急性缺血性中风(AIS)的当前管理及相关费用,并评估改善溶栓治疗的影响在症状发作后3小时内增加接受溶栓和/或治疗的患者比例。方法:开发了一个决策模型,该模型包括两个部分:第一个部分对应于AIS患者直到出院前的急性医院管理阶段,从国家出院数据库中提取(PMSI 2011),第二个对应于后期-根据国家治疗指南和中风专家的建议,进入急性(出院后)阶段。定义了五个急性后临床护理途径。该模型考虑了院内死亡率和出院后3个月的死亡率。确定了两个阶段的患者行程和费用。通过将接受溶栓治疗的患者比例从当前估计的16.7%增加到25%,然后将卒中后症状发作3小时内接受治疗的患者比例从50%增加到100%,来模拟溶栓治疗的改善。对护理途径的影响来自临床数据。结果:在202,078例因中风或短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)住院治疗中,有90,528例因确诊的AIS而住院,其中33%(29,999)发生在中风单位内。住院后,有60%的出院回家,有25%的是康复治疗,然后是回家,2%的是康复治疗,然后是疗养院,7%的是长期护理,还有6%的住院是患者死亡。一年(sic)的总成本(sic)为6.1亿(每位患者的平均成本(sic)20,326),其中70%与急性期有关。通过增加溶栓患者的比例,主要是通过减少康复护理来降低成本,每增加一名接受治疗的患者节省(sic)1,462。通过增加改进的时间安排,每增加一名接受治疗的患者,节省的费用就会增加一倍(原文如此)3,183。结论:该研究证实法国的AIS负担沉重。通过改善中风单位的溶栓管理,可以改善患者通过护理途径的行程,增加出院人数,改变急性后资源消耗和净储蓄。 (C)2015 S.Karger AG,巴塞尔



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