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Convenience rules at Alimentaria


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Although the number of new seafood product launches at Alimentaria 2006 appeared to be on the decline, those that were on display were clearly aimed at the convenience sector of the market, as BemadetteToumay reports. Alimentaria 2006's innovation prize was won by what was billed as the 'first back of the fridge [refrigerator] fish product', SoloLomos from Spanish company Angulas Aguinaga SA. Launched in April 2005, the range of chilled salmon, cod and hake fillets is packed in 2 x loog portions witha 42-day shelf-life. Says Angulas Aguinaga's Isabel Lorea: 'They are packed in two loog packs [per carton] so you can eat one at a time. It's [the fillets are] healthy and easy to cook, no bones, skin or pinbones. You don't need to clean it and in two minutes you open it and heat it in a pan or microwave.
机译:正如BemadetteToumay报道的那样,尽管在Alimentaria 2006上推出的新海鲜产品数量似乎正在下降,但是展出的产品显然是针对便利市场的。西班牙公司Angulas Aguinaga SA的SoloLomos被称为“冰箱鱼产品的第一只后背”,获得了2006年Alimentaria创新奖。自2005年4月推出以来,一系列冷藏鲑鱼,鳕鱼和无须鳕鱼片按2 x包皮部分包装,保质期为42天。安圭拉斯·阿圭纳加(Angulas Aguinaga)的伊莎贝尔·洛雷(Isabel Lorea)说:“它们被包装在两个懒汉装中(每箱),因此您一次只能吃一个。鱼片健康且易于烹饪,没有骨头,皮肤或细骨。您无需清洁,只需两分钟即可将其打开并用锅或微波炉加热。



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