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Imagining a world without trees: Using great art to define the presence of absence


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Edinburgh University's lain Woodhouse has recreated some famous landscape paintings to draw attention to the value of woods and forests.There can be no doubt that the rapid loss of forest cover worldwide is a serious issue. The World Wildlife Fund has even recently set an ambitious target of Zero Net Deforestation and Forest Degradation (ZNDD) by 2020 to reflect the scale and urgency with which threats to the worlds forests and climate need to be tackled. As both an educator (as a senior lecturer in the School of GeoSciences at Edinburgh University) and a businessman (as CEO of Carbomap, a new forest survey company) I fully support WWF's target and do what I can to spread the message of the importance of forests. But there is one challenge that I have always found difficult - how do you communicate the severity of forest loss to a wide, non-scientific audience. More specifically, how do you convey the increasing absence of trees. My most recent attempt at this was to take famous works of art and to digitally remove the trees. Constables The Haywain, Seurat's Sunday afternoon on the Island of Grande Jatte, and Van Gogh's Olive Trees with Yellow Sky and Sun.
机译:爱丁堡大学的劳恩·伍德豪斯(Woodhouse)重新创作了一些著名的山水画,以引起人们对森林和森林价值的关注。毫无疑问,全球范围内森林覆盖率的迅速下降是一个严重的问题。世界野生动物基金会最近甚至设定了一个雄心勃勃的目标,即到2020年实现零净砍伐森林和森林退化(ZNDD),以反映应对世界森林和气候威胁的规模和紧迫性。作为一名教育家(作为爱丁堡大学地球科学学院的高级讲师)和一个商人(作为一家新的森林调查公司Carbomap的首席执行官),我完全支持世界自然基金会的目标,并尽我所能传播重要信息森林。但是,我始终发现有一个挑战很难克服,那就是您如何将森林砍伐的严重性传达给广大非科学观众。更具体地说,您如何传达树木越来越少的情况。我最近的尝试是拍摄著名的艺术品并以数字方式移走树木。警员The Haywain,Seurat的周日下午在Grande Jatte岛上以及梵高的橄榄树(带黄色的天空和阳光)。



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