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Radar: On the prowl - Lynx radar to boost Iraq's ISR abilities


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At least 2 million Shiite pilgrims came to Karbala, in southern Iraq, on Aug. 17 for the birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi, the 12th Imam, who Shiites believe is hidden away by God until Judgment Day. The holiday season had been marred by deadly bombings blamed on radical Sunnis, and the Iraqi government deployed 50,000 security personnel to Karbala, including 2,000 female guards to frisk women for suicide belts. Overhead, Iraqi Air Force pilots flew reconnaissance planes, although for security reasons, the U.S. officials who spoke for their allies declined to say what kind of aircraft and sensors the Iraqis flew. Judging by one of Iraq's latest ISR purchases from the U.S., however, the Iraqi government would have been unable to monitor the throngs beneath clouds or to detect sudden movements of trucks or cars that might be carrying insurgents or bombers. To address that problem, Iraq has begun taking delivery of six Lynx 2 synthetic aperture radar units that will be mounted in pods under aircraft. Built by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems of San Diego, the radars are similar to those the U.S. Army plans to fly on its Reaper-derived Sky Warrior UAVs in Iraq starting as early as next year. Iraq, however, will fly its Lynx 2 radars on piloted twin-tur-boprop King Air 350ER planes.
机译:至少有200万什叶派朝圣者于8月17日来到伊拉克南部的卡尔巴拉,庆祝第12位伊玛目穆罕默德·马赫迪(Muhammad al-Mahdi)诞辰,什叶派认为,直到审判日,上帝才将其藏匿。假日季节因归咎于激进逊尼派的致命炸弹而蒙受损失,伊拉克政府向卡尔巴拉部署了50,000名安全人员,其中包括2,000名女警卫,以驱赶妇女自杀。尽管出于安全原因,伊拉克空军飞行员驾驶侦察机飞过,但为盟国发言的美国官员拒绝透露伊拉克人乘坐哪种飞机和传感器。但是,根据伊拉克从美国购买的最新ISR信息来看,伊拉克政府将无法监视云层下方的人群,也无法检测可能携带叛乱分子或轰炸机的卡车或汽车的突然移动。为了解决这个问题,伊拉克已经开始交付六架Lynx 2合成孔径雷达单元,这些单元将安装在飞机下方的吊舱中。雷达由圣地亚哥的通用原子航空系统公司制造,与美国陆军计划最早从明年开始在伊拉克的“收割者”衍生的“天空战士”无人机一起飞行。但是,伊拉克将在双涡轮螺旋桨飞机空中国王350ER飞机上驾驶Lynx 2雷达。



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