首页> 外文期刊>SAE International Journal of Engines >A Study of Supercharged HCCI Combustion using In-cylinder Spectroscopic Techniques and Chemical Kinetic Calculation

A Study of Supercharged HCCI Combustion using In-cylinder Spectroscopic Techniques and Chemical Kinetic Calculation


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A great deal of interest is focused on Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustion today as a combustion system enabling internal combustion engines to attain higher efficiency and cleaner exhaust emissions. Because the air-fuel mixture is compression-ignited in an HCCI engine, control of the ignition timing is a key issue. Additionally, because the mixture ignites simultaneously at multiple locations in the combustion chamber, it is necessary to control the resultant rapid combustion, especially in the high-load region. Supercharging can be cited as one approach that is effective in facilitating high-load operation of HCCI engines. Supercharging increases the intake air quantity to increase the heat capacity of the working gas, thereby lowering the combustion temperature for injection of the same quantity of fuel. In this study, experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of supercharging on combustion characteristics in an HCCI engine. Light emission and absorption spectroscopic measurement techniques were used to investigate the combustion behavior in detail. Chemical kinetic simulations were also conducted to analyze the reaction characteristics in detail. The results made clear that the raising the intake air pressure under a condition of a constant quantity of heat produced per cycle by the injected fuel has the effect of reducing the combustion temperature. As a result, combustion becomes more moderate. The results of spectroscopic measurement of light absorption also showed a sharp rise in absorbance at 293.1 nm, which is attributed to formaldehyde (HCHO) produced by the low-temperature reactions. Subsequently, absorbance dropped sharply at the time autoignition occurred.
机译:作为一种使内燃机能够实现更高的效率和更清洁的废气排放的燃烧系统,当今人们非常关注均质压缩点火(HCCI)燃烧。因为空气燃料混合物在HCCI发动机中被压缩点火,所以点火正时的控制是关键问题。另外,由于混合物在燃烧室中的多个位置同时点燃,因此有必要控制产生的快速燃烧,尤其是在高负荷区域。增压可以被认为是一种有效的促进HCCI发动机高负荷运转的方法。增压增加了进气量,从而增加了工作气体的热容量,从而降低了喷射相同数量燃料的燃烧温度。在这项研究中,进行了实验以研究增压对HCCI发动机燃烧特性的影响。发光和吸收光谱测量技术用于详细研究燃烧行为。还进行了化学动力学模拟以详细分析反应特性。结果清楚地表明,在由喷射的燃料每循环产生恒定热量的条件下升高进气压力具有降低燃烧温度的效果。结果,燃烧变得更缓和。吸光度的光谱测量结果还显示,在293.1 nm处吸光度急剧上升,这归因于低温反应产生的甲醛(HCHO)。随后,自燃发生时吸光度急剧下降。



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