首页> 外文期刊>Cardiovascular journal of Africa. >Medication adherence, self-care behaviour and knowledge on heart failure in urban South Africa: the Heart of Soweto study.

Medication adherence, self-care behaviour and knowledge on heart failure in urban South Africa: the Heart of Soweto study.


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BACKGROUND: There is a paucity of data on treatment adherence in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) in Africa. METHODS: We examined the pattern of treatment adherence, self-care behaviour and treatment knowledge in 200 consecutive patients with CHF attending the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto, South Africa via a combination of questionnaire (100%, n = 200) and pill count (41%, n = 82). RESULTS: Mean age was 56 +/- 14 years, 157 were black African (79%) and 109 (55%) were male. CHF-specific treatment included loop diuretics (93%), beta-blockers (84%), ACE inhibitors (74%), spironolactone (64%) and cardiac glycosides (24%); mean number of medications was 6 +/- 2. Overall, 71% (58 of 82) adhered to their prescribed CHF regimen and individual medication adherence ranged from 64 to 79%. Behavioural adherence varied from 2.5 to 98%. Patient treatment knowledge was poor; 56% could not name medication effects or side effects. However, an average knowledge score of 69% was achieved on 10 questions concerning CHF management. CONCLUSION: As in other regions of the world, non-adherence to complex CHF treatment is a substantial problem in Soweto. Our data confirm the need for a dedicated CHF management programme to optimise CHF-related outcomes in a low-resource environment.
机译:背景:在非洲的慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者中,关于依从性治疗的数据很少。方法:我们通过问卷调查(100%,n = 200)和药丸计数的组合,检查了南非索韦托的克里斯·哈尼·巴拉格瓦纳特医院的200例连续的CHF患者的治疗依从性,自我护理行为和治疗知识的模式。 (41%,n = 82)。结果:平均年龄为56 +/- 14岁,非洲黑人为157人(占79%),男性为109人(占55%)。 CHF特异性治疗包括loop利尿剂(93%),β受体阻滞剂(84%),ACEI抑制剂(74%),螺内酯(64%)和强心苷(24%);平均用药数量为6 +/-2。总体上,有71%(82个中的58个)遵循其处方的CHF方案,个人用药依从性介于64%至79%之间。行为依从性从2.5%到98%不等。病人的治疗知识很差; 56%的人无法说出药物作用或副作用。但是,在10条有关瑞士法郎管理的问题上,平均知识得分达到69%。结论:与世界上其他地区一样,不遵守复杂的瑞士法郎治疗是索韦托的一个重大问题。我们的数据证实了在低资源环境下需要专门的瑞士法郎管理计划来优化与瑞士法郎相关的结果。



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