首页> 外文期刊>Scientia horticulturae >Influence of growth conditions on yield, quality and diseases of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) var Ofra and Chandler under mid hills of Sikkim Himalaya.

Influence of growth conditions on yield, quality and diseases of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) var Ofra and Chandler under mid hills of Sikkim Himalaya.

机译:生长条件对锡金喜马拉雅山丘陵下草莓(Fragaria x ananassa Duch。)var Ofra和Chandler产量,品质和病害的影响。

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Field experiments were conducted during 2005-09 at ICAR Sikkim Centre, Tadong, East Sikkim, India at an altitude of 1400 m amsl to identify the suitable environment for high production of good quality fruits with less diseases for strawberry varieties Ofra and Chandler. Both the varieties were grown under low cost polyhouse, plastic tunnel and open conditions. Maximum number of flower trusses per plant was recorded in Chandler under open condition (13.0) followed by plastic tunnel (12.7). The maximum number of fruits per inflorescence was found in Ofra (7.12) under polyhouse while maximum number of runners per plant was observed in Ofra (12.3) in open conditions. Plastic tunnel with Ofra produced highest fruit weight (26.2 g), fruit length (5.5 cm) and fruit diameter (3.9cm). Best fruit quality in terms of TSS (6.8%), lower acidity (0.83%) and total sugar (6.3%) was observed in Chandler under plastic tunnel conditions. The highest total fruit yield was recorded with Ofra under plastic tunnel (40.2 t/ha) but the maximum marketable yield was obtained in Chandler under plastic tunnel (35.3 t/ha). Diseases were found to be less prevalent in tunnel as compared to polyhouse and open conditions. All rights reserved, Elsevier.
机译:2005-09年期间,在印度东部锡金的塔东ICAR锡金中心以1400 m amsl的海拔高度进行了田间试验,以确定为草莓品种Ofra和Chandler增产,减少病害的高品质水果的适宜环境。这两个品种都是在低成本的温室,塑料隧道和露天条件下种植的。钱德勒在开放条件下(13.0),然后是塑料隧道(12.7),记录了每株植物的最大花架数量。在开放式条件下,在大棚的Ofra(7.12)中发现每个花序的最大果实数,而在Ofra(12.3)中观察到每个植物的最大转轮数。带有Ofra的塑料隧道产生的最高果实重量(26.2 g),果实长度(5.5 cm)和果实直径(3.9cm)。在塑料隧道条件下,在钱德勒观察到以TSS(6.8%),较低的酸度(0.83%)和总糖(6.3%)衡量的最佳水果品质。 Ofra在塑料隧道下的总水果产量最高(40.2吨/公顷),而在Chandler在塑料隧道下的最高水果产量(35.3吨/公顷)。与棚屋和露天条件相比,发现在隧道中疾病不那么普遍。保留所有权利,Elsevier。



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