首页> 外文期刊>Scientia horticulturae >In vitro and ex vitro propagation of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni with high Rebaudioside-A content-A commercial scale application

In vitro and ex vitro propagation of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni with high Rebaudioside-A content-A commercial scale application


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Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a self-incompatible and the pollination is an entomophilous short-day plant. Rebaudioside A, as an individual steviol glycoside, is of particular interest in global sweetener market due to its most desirable flavour profile as compared to stevioside having aftertaste bitterness. In the present investigation, regenerant formation was performed for 6 weeks, in which randomly selected nodes excised from in vitro germinated seedlings were cultured on solid Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) with or without growth regulators (6-benzylaminopurine- BAP or kinetin- KIN) at various concentrations (ranging from 0.1 to 2.0 mg/L). Irrespective of the medium composition, the results showed that all treatments were effective for shoot induction, producing an average of 2 shoots per explant after three weeks of culture. Following subsequent sub-culturing on MS medium at 3-week intervals, all the shoots regenerated from the nodes were transferred to MS medium with or without indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) or naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) at two different concentrations (0.25 or 0.50 mg/L) for root formation for 3 weeks. IAA was more effective for root formation, producing 7.6 roots per shoot with 100% rooting frequency. All the regenerants (similar to 13.5 cm in length) were potted and successfully acclimatized in a greenhouse for 2 weeks, and then transferred to the field for 14 weeks with a high survival rate (>99%). Similarly, seedlings (8 weeks-old) derived from seed germination in pots were also transferred to the same field in a different plot. There was no significant difference in terms of morphological, yield performance and steviol glycoside compositions between regenerants and seedlings sampled from two developmental periods (late vegetative and flowering period). It was clearly shown that clonal propagation using nodal explants was effective for superior stock plant production with high Reb-A content (11.7% w/w). (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:甜叶菊甜叶菊是一种自交不亲和的授粉植物,是一种昆虫食性的短时植物。莱鲍迪甙A作为一种单独的甜菊糖苷,由于与具有回味苦味的甜菊糖甙相比具有最理想的风味,因此在全球甜味剂市场中特别受关注。在本研究中,再生剂形成进行了6周,其中在有或没有生长调节剂(6-苄基氨基嘌呤-BAP或激动素-KIN)的固态Murashige和Skoog培养基(MS)上培养了从体外发芽的幼苗中切除的随机选择的结节。 )(浓度范围从0.1到2.0 mg / L)。无论培养基的组成如何,结果均显示所有处理均有效诱导芽,培养三周后平均每个外植体产生2个芽。随后以3周为间隔在MS培养基上进行亚培养,将所有从节上再生的芽转移到有或没有吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA),吲哚-3-丁酸(IBA)或萘的MS培养基中两种浓度(0.25或0.50 mg / L)的乙酸(NAA)形成根,持续3周。 IAA对根的形成更有效,每枝产生7.6个根,生根频率为100%。将所有再生剂(长约13.5厘米)盆栽并在温室中成功适应2周,然后以高成活率(> 99%)转移到田间14周。同样,盆中种子发芽的幼苗(8周龄)也被转移到不同田地的同一田里。从两个发育期(无营养和开花期)采样的再生体和幼苗之间,在形态,产量表现和甜菊醇糖苷组成方面均无显着差异。清楚地表明,使用结节外植体的克隆繁殖对于具有高Reb-A含量(11.7%w / w)的优良原种植物生产是有效的。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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