首页> 外文期刊>Sciences des Aliments >Fish freshness evaluation of eight marine species by rapid measurement ofthe K-value. [French]

Fish freshness evaluation of eight marine species by rapid measurement ofthe K-value. [French]

机译:通过快速测量K值来评估八个海洋物种的鱼类新鲜度。 [法文]

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Fish freshness of eight marine species was evaluated by two different methods: the K-value measured by a colorimetric strip-test (Transia Fresh Tester (R)) reflecting the ATP degradation (Adenosine triphosphate), and the sensory analysis assessed according to the EU scheme. The regression analysis suggests different linear and logarithmic models according to the fish species. The strongest correlations are obtained for tunas, mackerel, anchovy, black bream and sea bass (0,81 < r(2) < 0,93), and the weakest ones for sole (r(2) = 0,69) and hake (r(2) = 0,46). Models have been used to calculate the prediction interval at 95% of the freshness degree according to the K values.
机译:通过两种不同的方法评估了8种海洋鱼类的鱼类新鲜度:通过比色试纸法(Transia Fresh Tester(R))测出的K值反映了ATP的降解(三磷酸腺苷),以及根据欧盟评估的感官分析方案。回归分析建议根据鱼类种类使用不同的线性和对数模型。对于金枪鱼,鲭鱼,an鱼,黑鲷和鲈鱼(0,81



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