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Technical briefing: Faster in the field


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In the field, the U.S. military's most valuable weapon may be its data center. The immense quantity of data obtained from flyovers must be analyzed by high-performance computers to spot locations where improvised bombs may have been planted or to recognize changes that could indicate the presence of enemy combatants. Much of that work is done by computers called IBM BladeCenters, which are housed at fixed regional headquarters. A blade system is a single chassis containing multiple server circuit boards, or blades, with individual blades often dedicated to specific applications. Plugging multiple blades into a single chassis provides a unified source of power, cooling and connectivity for the blades. When a new or updated capability is required, instead of adding a new server and rack unit, users can simply install another blade in the enclosure or "hot swap" a new blade. This capability saves the time and cost of replacing an entire server chassis, rewiring and configuring the server, ensuring compatibility and avoiding unanticipated differences and logistics problems that contribute to risk.
机译:在野外,美国军方最有价值的武器可能是其数据中心。必须使用高性能计算机分析从立交桥获得的大量数据,以发现可能放置简易炸弹的位置,或者识别可能表明敌方战斗人员存在的变化。其中大部分工作由称为IBM BladeCenters的计算机完成,这些计算机位于固定的区域总部。刀片系统是包含多个服务器电路板或刀片的单个机箱,而单个刀片通常专用于特定应用。将多个刀片式服务器插入单个机箱可为刀片式服务器提供统一的电源,散热和连接性。当需要新的或更新的功能时,用户无需添加新的服务器和机架单元,而只需在机箱中安装另一个刀片或“热交换”新刀片。此功能节省了更换整个服务器机箱,重新布线和配置服务器,确保兼容性并避免了意料之外的差异和造成风险的后勤问题的时间和成本。



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