首页> 外文期刊>Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde >A descriptive epidemiological study on canine babesiosis in the Lake Geneva region

A descriptive epidemiological study on canine babesiosis in the Lake Geneva region


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A descriptive study was carried out in the district of the Lake Geneva between March 1, 2005 and August 31,2006 to assess the incidence and prevalence of canine babesiosis, to genotype the Babesia species occurring, to assess the most frequently clinical signs found and to address the potential of autochthonous transmission. This included a data assessment on the different tick-populations occurring in the area and on the prevalence of Babesia-DNA in these ticks. A total of 56 veterinary practices participated in the study. By blood smear and PCI, Babesia canis canis was found in 12 out of 21 cases with suspected babesiosis. In an additional 13th case, the parasite could only be detected by PCR. All autochthonous cases originated from the Western part of the Lake Geneva region. Clinical signs in affected dogs included inappetence, apathy, anemia, fever, hemoglobinuria and thron-ibocytopenia. There were no risk factors with regard to age, sex and breed. Most cases were diagnosed during the spring periods of 2005 and 2006 (11 cases) and two cases in autumn 2005, coinciding with the main activity period of Dermacentor reticulatus, the main vector of B. canis canis. A total of 495 ticks were collected on patients by the veterinarians, 473 were identified as Ixodes sp., 7 as khipicephalus sanguineus and 15 as Dermacentor reticulatus. While Nodes sp. was found in the whole study area, D. reticulatus and R. sanguineus occurred only in the Western part till Lausanne. PCR and sequencing yielded B. canis canis positivity in 3 D. reticulatus specimen, these three ticks were collected from two different dogs both suffering from babesiosis. All R. sanguineus were negative by Babesia-PCR. Global warming, ecological changes in the potential habitat of ticks, increasing host- and vector-populations and increasing mobility of dog owners may be responsible for an emergence situation of infection risk for Babesia spp. by time. E.g.,Dermacentor reticulatus has become autochtonously prevalent already till Lausanne in the Lake Geneva region, and further surveillance is suggested to tackle this problem.
机译:2005年3月1日至2006年8月31日之间,在日内瓦湖区进行了描述性研究,以评估犬巴贝虫病的发病率和流行程度,对发生的巴贝虫病进行基因分型,评估发现的最常见临床体征并解决本地传播的潜力。这包括对该地区出现的不同tick种群以及这些s中巴贝虫DNA患病率的数据评估。共有56个兽医实践参加了该研究。通过血液涂片和PCI,在21例疑似巴贝西斯病患者中,有12例被发现为犬贝贝斯犬。在另外的第13种情况下,只能通过PCR检测到该寄生虫。所有的土生病例都来自日内瓦湖地区的西部。患犬的临床体征包括食欲不振,冷漠,贫血,发烧,血红蛋白尿和血红蛋白减少症。没有关于年龄,性别和品种的风险因素。多数病例在2005年和2006年春季诊断(11例),在2005年秋季诊断为2例,与犬双歧杆菌的主要病媒Dermacentor reticulatus的主要活动期相符。兽医收集了总共495滴s虫,其中473例为I虫,7例为khipicephalus sanguineus,15例为Dermacentor reticulatus。而节点sp。在整个研究区域内都发现了网纹D. reticulatus和R. sanguineus仅出现在西部,直到洛桑。 PCR和测序在3个网状杜氏标本中产生了犬双歧杆菌阳性,这三个tick是从两只都患有巴贝西斯病的犬中收集的。通过Babesia-PCR,所有R. sanguineus均为阴性。全球变暖,壁虱潜在栖息地的生态变化,寄主和媒介种群的增加以及犬主的流动性增加可能是导致巴贝斯虫感染风险出现的原因。按时间。例如,在日内瓦湖地区的洛桑之前,网状真皮已经很普遍了,建议进一步监视以解决这个问题。



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