首页> 外文期刊>Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde >Study on the seroprevalence of infections by Mycoplasma bovis in Swiss cattle including epidemiological analysis of risk factors in a local population (Jura region)

Study on the seroprevalence of infections by Mycoplasma bovis in Swiss cattle including epidemiological analysis of risk factors in a local population (Jura region)


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Sporadic cases of infection with Mycoplasma bovis have been observed in Switzerland since 1983. However, five severe outbreaks of endemic mastitis in a geographically distinct, small region (Canton du Jura) during the period 1995 to 1997 prompted the present investigation on the seroprevalence of infection with M. bovis among milking cows in Switzerland. A commercially prepared indirect enzyme immunoassay was used. Among a stratified random sample of 118 herds of milking cows in Switzerland, at least one positive animal was detected in 56 (47%) of the herds and 6.1% of the 1816 individual animals tested positive. An epidemiological study was performed in the Canton du Jura region among 51 herds in order to assess the importance of management factors in the spread of M. bovis infection. The herd-level prevalence was 78%, and the seroprevalence at the level of the 1354 individual animals tested was 13.4%. A multivariate analysis of possible risk factors showed purchase of animals to be the only variable significantly associated with serological status of the herd with an "odds ratio" of 10.8.
机译:自1983年以来,在瑞士已观察到零星的牛支原体感染病例。然而,在1995年至1997年期间,在地理上不同的小区域(朱拉州)发生了5次严重的地方性乳腺炎暴发,促使人们对感染的血清阳性率进行了调查。在瑞士的挤奶牛中与博维斯(M. bovis)在一起。使用市售的间接酶免疫测定法。在瑞士118头奶牛的分层随机样本中,在56头(47%)的牛群中至少检测到一只阳性动物,在1816只测试过的阳性动物中,有6.1%被检测到。为了在牛分枝杆菌感染的传播中评估管理因素的重要性,在坎杜杜拉地区的51个牛群中进行了一项流行病学研究。畜群水平的患病率为78%,而1354只个体动物的血清水平为13.4%。对可能的危险因素的多变量分析显示,购买动物是与畜群血清状况显着相关的唯一变量,“赔率”为10.8。



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