首页> 外文期刊>Schizophrenia research >Ventral striatal activation during attribution of stimulus saliency and reward anticipation is correlated in unmedicated first episode schizophrenia patients

Ventral striatal activation during attribution of stimulus saliency and reward anticipation is correlated in unmedicated first episode schizophrenia patients


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Patients with schizophrenia show deficits in motivation, reward anticipation and salience attribution. Several functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) investigations revealed neurobiological correlates of these deficits, raising the hypothesis of a common basis in midbrain dopaminergic signaling. However, investigations of drug-na?ve first-episode patients with comprehensive fMRI tasks are still missing.We recruited unmedicated schizophrenia spectrum patients (N. =. 27) and healthy control subjects (N. =. 27) matched for sex, age and educational levels. An established monetary reward anticipation task in combination with a novel task aiming at implicit salience attribution without the confound of monetary incentive was applied.Patients showed reduced right ventral striatal activation during reward anticipation. Furthermore, patients with a more pronounced hypoactivation attributed more salience to neutral stimuli, had more positive symptoms and better executive functioning. In the patient group, a more differentially active striatum during reward anticipation was correlated positively to differential ventral striatal activation in the implicit salience attribution task.In conclusion, a deficit in ventral striatal activation during reward anticipation can already be seen in drug-na?ve, first episode schizophrenia patients. The data suggest that rather a deficit in differential ventral striatal activation than a generally reduced activation underlies motivational deficits in schizophrenia and that this deficit is related to the aberrant salience attribution.
机译:精神分裂症患者表现出动力不足,奖励预期和显着性归因。几个功能磁共振成像(fMRI)研究揭示了这些缺陷的神经生物学相关性,从而提出了中脑多巴胺能信号传导的共同基础的假设。然而,仍缺乏对首次进行药物治疗且功能完备的fMRI的首次发作的患者的研究。我们招募了性别,年龄相匹配的未药物治疗的精神分裂症患者(N。=。27)和健康对照受试者(N。=。27)。和教育水平。将既定的金钱奖励预期任务与针对隐性显着性归因而不涉及金钱奖励的新颖任务相结合。患者在奖励预期期间显示出右腹纹状体激活减少。此外,机能减退更为明显的患者应将其显着性归因于中性刺激,具有更积极的症状和更好的执行功能。在患者组中,隐性显着性归因任务中奖励预期期间活动性更高的纹状体与差异性腹侧纹状体激活呈正相关。 ,首发精神分裂症患者。数据表明,差异性腹侧纹状体激活不足而不是普遍降低的激活是精神分裂症的动机缺陷的基础,并且该缺陷与异常显着性归因有关。



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