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Reduced language lateralization in first-episode medication-naive schizophrenia.


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Diminished functional lateralization in language-related areas is found in chronic schizophrenia. It is not clear at what stage of illness these abnormalities in lateralization arise, or whether they are affected by medication. In addition, it is hypothesized that reduced language lateralization is related to positive symptoms of schizophrenia, but studies addressing this issue have yielded contradictory results. In this study we used functional MRI to measure language lateralization in 35 first-episode medication-naive schizophrenia patients and 43 matched healthy controls. Subjects performed three language tasks: a paced verb generation task, an antonym generation task, and a semantic decision task. Lateralization Index (LI) was calculated, using a relative threshold technique, in seven Regions of Interest (ROIs), including the main language-related areas and their contralateral homologues. In addition, we investigated whether language lateralization was correlated with psychotic symptoms. Across all ROIs, LI was significantly reduced in patients (p<0.001) compared to controls. Post-hoc tests revealed that this reduction was most prominent in the inferior frontal gyrus (part of Broca's area) (p=0.003) and the superior temporal gyrus (part of Wernicke's area) (p<0.001). LI was not correlated with the positive subscale of the PANSS, nor with hallucinations or disorganization. This is the first study to report reduced LI at the onset of schizophrenia, before medical treatment is initiated.
机译:在慢性精神分裂症中发现与语言有关的区域的功能性横向化减少。目前尚不清楚这些偏侧化异常在疾病的哪个阶段出现,或者是否受到药物治疗的影响。另外,据推测,语言偏侧化的减少与精神分裂症的阳性症状有关,但是针对该问题的研究得出了矛盾的结果。在这项研究中,我们使用功能性MRI来测量35例初次使用药物的未患精神分裂症患者和43例健康对照者的语言偏侧性。受试者执行了三种语言任务:节奏动词生成任务,反义词生成任务和语义决策任务。使用相对阈值技术,在七个感兴趣区域(ROI)中计算了横向指数(LI),包括主要语言相关区域及其对侧同源物。此外,我们调查了语言偏侧化是否与精神病症状相关。与对照组相比,在所有ROI中,患者的LI均显着降低(p <0.001)。事后测试表明,这种减少在额额下回(布罗卡区的一部分)(p = 0.003)和颞上回(韦尼克区的一部分)(p <0.001)最为明显。 LI与PANSS的阳性子量表无关,也与幻觉或混乱无关。这是第一个报告在精神分裂症发作前LI降低,开始治疗的研究。



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