首页> 外文期刊>Osteoporosis international: a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA >Osseous integration of calcium phosphate in osteoporotic vertebral fractures after kyphoplasty: initial results from a clinical and experimental pilot study.

Osseous integration of calcium phosphate in osteoporotic vertebral fractures after kyphoplasty: initial results from a clinical and experimental pilot study.


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INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the radiological changes at the bone-cement interface of calcium phosphate cement (CPC) and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) 12 months after kyphoplasty. In a pilot experiment, we additionally performed a histomorphometric analysis in osteopenic foxhounds to analyze the process of osseous integration of CPC and PMMA. METHODS: Twenty postmenopausal female patients with 46 vertebral compression fractures (VCF) were treated by kyphoplasty, utilizing CPC (N=28) or PMMA (N=18) for intravertebral stabilization. After a 12-month follow-up, we measured the density changes of border voxels at the bone-cement interface by computed tomography (CT) using dedicated software algorithms. We defined the border-voxel density (BVD) as a parameter of cement resorption at the interface. We also investigated the bone-implant interface in three osteopenic foxhounds by histomorphometry 3, 6, and 12 months after cement implantation. RESULTS: Twelve months after kyphoplasty, only CPC showed a significant decrease of the BVD compared to PMMA (p<0.01), indicating a slow progress of resorption at the interface. Histomorphometry of the dog vertebrae showed near total bone coverage of CPC implants, whereas the PMMA surface exhibited only 30% direct bone contact (p<0.01). We also observed a time-dependent increase in the number of discernable osteons close to the interface of CPC, but no bone tissue within PMMA (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The decrease of the BVD 12 months after kyphoplasty may indicate osseous integration of CPC by: (1) the ingrowth of bone tissue and (2) osteonal penetration close to the interface.
机译:简介:本研究评估了椎体后凸成形术后12个月,磷酸钙水泥(CPC)和聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)在骨水泥界面的放射学变化。在先导实验中,我们还对骨质性猎狐犬进行了组织形态计量学分析,以分析CPC和PMMA的骨整合过程。方法:采用CPC(N = 28)或PMMA(N = 18)椎体后凸成形术治疗20例绝经后女性46例椎体压缩性骨折(VCF)。经过12个月的随访,我们使用专用软件算法通过计算机断层扫描(CT)测量了骨水泥界面处边界体素的密度变化。我们将边界体素密度(BVD)定义为界面处水泥吸收的参数。我们还通过骨水泥植入后3、6和12个月的组织形态计量学研究了三种骨质性猎狐犬的骨-植入物界面。结果:后凸成形术十二个月后,只有CPC显示BVD显着低于PMMA(p <0.01),表明界面吸收缓慢。狗椎骨的组织形态计量学显示CPC植入物几乎覆盖了全部骨头,而PMMA表面仅表现出30%的直接骨头接触(p <0.01)。我们还观察到了靠近CPC界面但在PMMA内没有骨组织的可辨别的骨细胞数量随时间的增加(p <0.01)。结论:后凸成形术后12个月BVD降低可能表明CPC骨整合:(1)骨组织向内生长和(2)靠近界面的骨质渗透。



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