
The prevalence of osteoporosis in nursing home residents.


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This study describes the prevalence of osteoporosis in a statewide sample of nursing home residents. Composite forearm bone mineral density (BMD) (including the distal radius and the distal ulna) of 1475 residents aged 65 years and older from 34 randomly selected, stratified nursing homes was assessed. BMD was expressed with reference to World Health Organization diagnostic criteria. Trends with age, gender and race were consistent with other populations. However, prevalence estimates were higher than community-based age-specific rates. The prevalence of osteoporosis for white female residents increased from 63.5% for women aged 65-74 years to 85.8% for women over 85 years of age. Only 3% had composite forearm BMD within 1 standard deviation of the young adult mean. The significance of the high prevalence of low BMD in nursing home residents is the increased fracture risk it may confer. In community cohorts of white women, the risk of hip fracture increases approximately 50% for every 1 standard deviation decrease in bone mass. However, the degree to which BMD contributes to fracture risk in this population has not been well established.
机译:这项研究描述了全州养老院居民样本中骨质疏松的患病率。对来自34个随机选择的分层疗养院的1475名65岁及65岁以上的居民的前臂骨复合矿物质密度(BMD)(包括radius骨远端和尺骨远端)进行了评估。 BMD的表达参考了世界卫生组织的诊断标准。年龄,性别和种族的趋势与其他人群一致。但是,患病率估计数高于基于社区的特定年龄比率。白人女性居民的骨质疏松症患病率从65-74岁的女性的63.5%增加到85岁以上的女性的85.8%。只有3%的人的前臂复合BMD在年轻成年人平均值的1个标准差之内。养老院居民中低BMD的高患病率的重要意义是可能增加骨折风险。在白人妇女的社区队列中,骨量每减少1标准差,髋部骨折的风险就会增加大约50%。然而,尚不清楚BMD在该人群中导致骨折风险的程度。


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