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Performance evaluation of weeders in rice cultivation


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Experiments were conducted during dry season of 2010 to 2012 to study the field efficiency of weeders, developed at Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack. The weeders, namely bullock drawn, self propelled, star-cono and finger weeders, reduced thecost of weeding by 68%, 61%, 60% and 34%, respectively, compared to manual weeding. Under wet soil condition performance of the star-cono weeder was the best as per highest ear bearing tillers (196 m~(-2)), grain and straw yields (4.08 and 7.34 t ha~(-1)respectively), water productivity Rs 1242 m~(-3)) and total weed destruction. But in dry soil condition, performance of self propelled weeder was better than other weeders including manual-weeding in terms of labour requirement, weed destruction and profitability. Weeding by use of bullock drawn weeder was the most economic (Rs1815 ha~(-1)) but net return from rice cultivation was highest in case of star-cono weeder (Rs 8472 ha~(-1)) against Rs 3,994 ha~(-1) in case of manual weeding and the net loss of Rs 3,766 ha~(-1) in case of un-weeded plots.
机译:在Cuttack中央水稻研究所开发的2010年至2012年旱季进行了除草剂田间效率试验。与手动除草相比,除草机,即bull牛,自走式,星锥和手指除草机,分别降低了68%,61%,60%和34%的除草成本。在湿润土壤条件下,按最高穗分performance(196 m〜(-2)),谷物和秸秆产量(分别为4.08和7.34 t ha〜(-1)),水生产力,星锥除草机的性能最佳。 Rs 1242 m〜(-3))和总杂草破坏。但是在干燥的土壤条件下,自走式除草机的性能优于其他除草机,包括人工除草,人工劳动,除草效果和获利能力。使用布洛克除草机除草是最经济的方式(Rs1815 ha〜(-1)),但星型除草机的水稻净收益最高(8472 ha〜(-1))而Rs 3,994 ha〜 (-1)在进行人工除草的情况下,而净损失为3,766卢比〜(-1)在未除草的土地上。



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