首页> 外文期刊>Ornis Fennica >Predicting the sex of the Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) by discriminant analysis

Predicting the sex of the Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) by discriminant analysis

机译:通过判别分析预测the莺(Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)的性别

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Sexual size dimorphism was examined in 273 immature Sedge Warblers (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) caught in northern Poland during autumn migration in 2008 and 2009. Each individual was measured (wing, tail, head to bill, bill length, bill width, bill height, two measurements of tarsus width and hind claw length) and a blood sample was taken for molecular sexing. A forward stepwise discriminant function analysis was used and three discriminant functions were proposed for sexing Sedge Warblers. The first function, applied to the nine measurements, identified wing and bill length as the best measurements for sexing and correctly classified 82% of individuals. The second and third functions, ap, plied to only wing length and tail length, identified the former as the best single measurement, and these two correctly classified 83% and 82% individuals, respectively. These functions may be used as a tool for sexing Sedge Warblers when blood sampling is impossible, such as in historical ringing records. However, the functions may be valid only for young birds in north and central Europe measured by experienced ringers.
机译:在2008年和2009年秋季迁徙期间,在波兰北部捕获的273只未成熟的edge莺(Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)中检查了性别大小的二态性。对每个人进行了测量(翼,尾巴,头到票据,票据长度,票据宽度,票据高度,两次测量) (架宽度和后爪长))和血液样本进行分子性别鉴定。使用了向前的逐步判别函数分析,并提出了三个判别函数用于对Sedge Warblers进行性别鉴定。第一项功能应用于九项测量,将机翼和钞票长度确定为最佳性别测量方法,并正确分类了82%的个人。 ap的第二和第三项功能仅适用于机翼长度和尾巴长度,将前者确定为最佳的单一度量标准,并且这两个函数分别正确地将83%和82%的人分类。当无法进行血液采样时(例如在历史铃声记录中),可以将这些功能用作对“鸣莺”进行性爱的工具。但是,此功能可能仅对北欧和中欧有经验的林格测量的幼鸽有效。



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