首页> 外文期刊>Organic Geochemistry: A Publication of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Stable carbon isotopes of alkane gases from the Xujiahe coal measures and implication for gas-source correlation in the Sichuan Basin, SW China

Stable carbon isotopes of alkane gases from the Xujiahe coal measures and implication for gas-source correlation in the Sichuan Basin, SW China


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The Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin, SW China consists of a series of coal measures. The first, third and fifth members of this formation are dominated by gas prone dark mudstones and coals. The mudstones contain Type II and III kerogens with average organic carbon contents around 1.96%. These source rocks are mature in the central Sichuan and highly mature in the western Sichuan Basin, characterized by gas generation with subordinate amounts of light oil or condensate oils. The source rocks are intercalated with the sandstone dominated second, fourth and sixth members of the Xujiahe Formation, thus leading to three separate self contained petroleum systems in the region. The proven gas reserves in the Xujiahe Formation are only less than that of the Triassic Feixianguan Formation and the Xujiahe Formation has the second largest gas field (Guang'an gas field) in the basin. Gases derived from the Xujiahe Formation coals generally show a normal stable carbon isotopic trend for C-1-C-4 n-alkanes, with the highest delta C-13(2) values among the nine gas pay zones in the basin (-20.7% to -28.3%), and delta C-13(1) values as low as -43.0%. in the central Sichuan. Gas accumulations with an oil leg have also been found in the eastern and southern Sichuan where the thickness of the Xujiahe Formation is significantly reduced. Gases in these accumulations tend to show low delta C-13(2) values (-30.0 parts per thousand to -36.3 parts per thousand), characteristic of oil prone source rocks.
机译:中国西南地区四川盆地上三叠统须家河组由一系列煤系组成。该地层的第一,第三和第五部分以易发天然气的深色泥岩和煤为主。泥岩中含有II型和III型干酪根,平均有机碳含量约为1.96%。这些烃源岩在四川中部已成熟,在四川盆地西部已高度成熟,其特征是产生的天然气中含有少量的轻质油或凝析油。源岩夹杂着以徐家河组第二,第四和第六部分为主的砂岩,从而导致该地区形成了三个独立的自含石油系统。徐家河组已探明天然气储量仅小于三叠系飞仙关组,徐家河组是该盆地第二大气田(广安气田)。徐家河组煤中的瓦斯一般对C-1-C-4正构烷烃表现出正常的稳定碳同位素趋势,在盆地的9个天然气产区中,δC-13(2)值最高。 %至-28.3%)和C-13(1)值低至-43.0%。在四川中部。在四川东部和南部也发现了具有油腿的天然气成藏,其中徐家河组的厚度明显减小。这些聚集体中的气体往往显示出低C-13(2)值(千分之三-0.0到千分之三-6.3的千分之三),这是易生油烃源岩的特征。



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