首页> 外文期刊>Ophthalmic & physiological optics: the journal of the British College of Ophthalmic Opticians (Optometrists) >Eye movements and poor reading: does the Developmental Eye Movement test measure cause or effect?

Eye movements and poor reading: does the Developmental Eye Movement test measure cause or effect?


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The literature concerning subjects who have reading difficulties has repeatedly noted their abnormal eye movements. The Developmental Eye Movement (DEM) test was developed on the assumption that poor eye movement control is a major cause of reading difficulties. The hypothesis tested by this study was that practice in fluent reading trains the eye movements that result in a good DEM score, whilst poor readers will exhibit low DEM scores due to insufficient training. English readers (43 children, 20 adults), and Arabic readers (six children, five adults) were recruited. The DEM test was administered twice, performed once reading the horizontal section in the habitual reading direction and secondly in the opposite direction, thus enabling the subjects' eye movements to be compared when reading in their habitual direction and when reading in a direction which is relatively unpracticed. Paired t-tests showed that the difference in eye movements (quantified via the DEM test ratio) between the two opposing reading directions was significant in English reading adults, English reading children and Arabic reading children, but not significant in the Arabic adults, who were equally practised in reading in the two directions. The results support the hypothesis that abnormal eye movements are more likely to be an effect and not the cause of reading difficulties. The DEM test should not be used to diagnose eye movement difficulties in a patient with poor reading ability.
机译:有关阅读困难的受试者的文献反复指出了他们异常的眼球运动。发育性眼球运动(DEM)测试是在假设眼球运动控制不佳是导致阅读困难的主要原因的前提下开发的。这项研究检验的假设是,流利阅读的练习会训练导致DEM得分高的眼球运动,而贫穷的读者由于训练不足而表现出较低的DEM得分。招募了英语读者(43名儿童,20名成人)和阿拉伯语读者(6名儿童,5名成人)。 DEM测试进行了两次,一次在惯性阅读方向上读取了水平截面,其次在相反方向上进行了读取,因此可以比较受试者在惯性方向上阅读和在相对方向上阅读时的眼球运动不切实际。配对t检验显示,在英语阅读者,英语阅读者和阿拉伯语阅读者中,两个相对阅读方向之间的眼球运动差异(通过DEM测试比进行了量化)是显着的,而在阿拉伯语的成年人中,这是不明显的。在两个方向上阅读时都同样练习。结果支持这样的假设,即异常的眼球运动更有可能是一种影响,而不是导致阅读困难的原因。 DEM测试不应用于诊断阅读能力差的患者的眼球运动困难。



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