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Meet brassavolas: a new look at the lady-of-the-night and its hybrids


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Chances are, Dr. Antoniomusa Brasavole never saw the Brassavola orchid that Scottish physician and botanist Dr. Robert Brown named in his honor in the ycar 1813. The cponymous Brasavole probably never left Ferrara, Italy, where he was born in the 17th century. Yet, as a botanist, he specialized in medicinal plants. And if one of these Brassavolu ladics of the night had wafted her intoxicating scent his way, he would certainly have exclaimed "Bellissima!" And Bellissima is how more and more of today's sphisticated orchidists describc the 15 or so specics (taxonomists differ on the exaetnumber)of this New World genus and its extraordinary hybrids. The awards records of the past decade reveal that when Brassavolu genes are mixed with more-mainstream Cattleya hybrids, great things happen.
机译:安东尼奥·穆萨·布拉索沃(Antoniomusa Brasavole)博士很可能从未见过苏格兰医师和植物学家罗伯特·布朗(Robert Brown)博士以纪念1813年伊卡(Ycar)命名的布拉索沃拉兰花。同名的布拉索沃(Brasavole)可能从未离开过他出生于17世纪的意大利费拉拉。但是,作为植物学家,他专门研究药用植物。而且,如果当晚的这些布拉萨沃卢(Lassavolu)蕾迪奇人之一用他的方式飘散着她令人陶醉的气味,那么他肯定会大喊“贝利西玛(Bellissima)!”。贝利西玛(Bellissima)是当今越来越多的精巧的兰花学家对这种新世界属及其非凡杂种的15种左右的物种(分类学家在exaetnumber上有所不同)的描述。过去十年的奖项记录表明,当Brassavolu基因与主流的Cattleya杂种混合时,就会发生伟大的事情。



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