
Automatic optical alignment by numerical ellipse fitting


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An automatic system for surface alignment, which can be employed for the study and optical characterization of samples in many devices, is presented. The alignment is accomplished through a mechanical device, consisting in thr ee stepping motors driving micrometry screws, which in rum allow the tilting of the specimen. Simultaneously, a laser beam is reflected on the surface sample and the reflection is collected through a Position-Sensitive Detector (PDS), which provides four photocurrents outputs proportional to the two-dimensional center of mass of the light spot impinging the sur face of the detector, allowing to locate the relative positioning of the laser. Any desalignment generates an ellipse on the detector position and will be monitored through this array, feedbacked electronically through a personal computer The algorithm developed for finding all parameters of the ellipse are evaluated and discussed. [References: 4]
机译:提出了一种用于表面对准的自动系统,该系统可用于许多设备中样品的研究和光学表征。对准是通过一个机械设备完成的,该机械设备由三个步进电机驱动,这些步进电机驱动测微螺钉,在朗姆酒中允许倾斜样品。同时,激光束在表面样品上反射,并通过位置敏感检测器(PDS)收集反射,该检测器提供四个光电流输出,这些光输出与撞击光斑表面的二维光点质心成比例。检测器,可以定位激光的相对位置。任何失准都会在检测器位置上产生椭圆形,并将通过此阵列进行监视,并通过个人计算机以电子方式进行反馈。评估和讨论了用于查找椭圆形所有参数的算法。 [参考:4]



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